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Zion gave me a death glare that can make one piss their pant. I didn't want him to feel triumphed so I shot him a hot look too. He freaking tied me up to a chair.

We were in an unfamiliar hut. He also didn't know the owner because he broke down the lock in the hut when we got there. The hut looks abandoned and unkempt.

I fought for release but he tied me up so tight. I felt paralyzed and angry.

" Let me go Zion. You can't just tie me up like this. I need to find my mom. She must be in danger right now " I said.

Zion shot me a glare " Is that what you want Ella?! You fucking tried to run away! You ran away. Do you know who is your father?"

I was getting riled up " You don't need to shout at me. This is my fucking life and I get to do whatever I want to do" I said to him and he growls.

" You're mine Ella and I have all the right to stop you whenever I want. Imagine my surprise when I woke up just to see that you weren't in bed with me. You tricked me into sleeping with you just so I won't suspect you" He was angry " Do you know how I felt?"

I know he must feel betrayed.

" I felt betrayed Ella. All I always wanted was to be by your side when you woke up. I want to always be there for you and you know that " He paced around the room.

" This is my family we're talking about. I don't know what to do Zion. I felt useless just sitting without doing anything. My whole life has been a drama and I think I have the right to find out the truth. Just don't be selfish Zion"

I'm sure Zion understood where I was coming from.

"I can't help it if you get hurt along the way"He took a deep breath and went on to untie me.

I rubbed my now red Wrist. It hurts a little " I need an answer. It's either you help me find an answer or you allow me to go get them myself"

He stared at me as if trying to understand something. Zion was a little calmer now. He dragged a chair and sat down right beside me.

" Ok fine. If that's what you want then I will let you be but first, you need to tell me who helped you escape"

I didn't see that question coming. My heart was thumping in my chest. Why does he want to know?

" Why?"

" Tell me who helped you, Ella," he said sternly

" And if I don't tell you what will happen?" I stood my ground. I stared at him deep in the eyes.

He was quiet. Zion knew I was stubborn " Ok fine if this is what you want. I guess I'll just make a call to inform the guards to end the maid's life. I'm sure she was your accomplice"

My eyes were so wide in shock " Jeanette did nothing. She didn't know I was going to run"

" Then who was the accomplice?"

I glared at him " Stop this nonsense. I need to begin my search. The more I waste my time here the farther my enemy gets. I need to make a move "

Zion knew I was right but because he is so stubborn, he still insists on knowing who helped me escape.

" Ok fine. I went on my own.  No one helped me. Let's just say I was a good planner. I guess I execute my plan so well"

I got up and went on to peep through the window and that was when I saw them.

" Zion some people are lurking outside " I whispered and he was beside me instantly.

Zion looks calm while I was freaking out beyond belief. He held my hands on instincts and I felt safer with him beside me.

" Don't make any noise" Zion whispered " They don't know we're here"

I nodded and followed his lead. He directed us through the back door. Now I understand why back doors are very important. Then suddenly the door was also locked.

Zion groaned in annoyance. He looked at me. " Stay here Ella. I'll go outside "

My eyes were so wide " No please " I said " They will hurt you"

" Remember, I'm the Alpha " so cocky

I still don't care whether he was the alpha or not. All I care about is I don't want him hurt. They seem to be many and they could easily overpower him

" This isn't a joke at all Zion. We need a better option." I said

" Just listen to me please," he said " I'll distract them and then you can follow through the window. Make sure you run as fast as you can" He held my face " Please do this for me "

I was so worried " What about you?"

" I'll come behind you. I'll follow your smell just trust me Ella" He said. We were wasting a lot of time already.

The wolves outside were knocking on the door so loud that it was beginning to freak me out.

" Hide behind the chair. When you see them distracted then you take the window. Don't stop running, just keep going until I get you" he instructed

I nodded "OK"

He pecked me on the forehead and went to open the door. I took that as my cue to escape through the window. My heart was racing so fast.

They all changed into their wolf form. I didn't wait to see how they looked but I heard the sound of bones. I ran as fast as I could. Zion's words kept ringing in my ears. I need to do this for him

I was breathing so fast that I felt I would faint. I was sure I was very far from them so I stopped to take a deep breath. I turned around but no sign of Zion could be heard.

I was worried. I continued my journey just then I heard a footstep.

" Looking for me?"

My head snapped in that direction so fast that I thought it would come off their socket

" Zion?"

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