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I sniffed when the cries subsided. I tried pushing away from him but he held on tightly.

" Let me go please"

" Talk to me, love. Did I do something that made you this sad? " He asked in worry.

I shook my head "No you didn't."

" Then what happened?"

" If you let me go first then I'll tell you," I said

Zion let go and I felt free " Talk to me please "

I sighed " I was only missing home. I miss my mom and everyone that I love. They must be worried sick right now "

" You'll get to see them soon"

His reply surprised me. Did he mean that ?" Are you for real?"

Zion nodded " Yes I've thought about Everything and I'm considering letting you go anytime soon"

" Really?". Why wasn't I happy about this?

" Yes, Ella. This is what you want and I'll grant you your wish soon" he said to me with a shrug.

Is he trying to get rid of me because of her, because of the visitors? Is she now who he wants? He must be joking then if I'll allow that to happen!

Calm down, Ella. Where is all this jealousy coming from? My subconscious scolded

" Ok," I replied.

He furrowed his brows confused " Are you not happy about it ?" I faked a smile course I'm very happy"

" But you don't look that happy. I had expected you to jump up in joy but then again it's you we are talking about here, everything about you is different" he said making me angry.

This just shows me that he is trying to get rid of me because of that woman and I won't give them the satisfaction of living together. I will never allow that to happen.

" I believe that's all you came to say right ?" I asked but everything he said was eating me up.

He nodded "Yes and also I came to calm you down for lunch. It serves already"

" Oh good. So what about the visitor? You have nothing to say about her?" Ok, I know I sounded jealous but who cares?

The bastard had the nerve to smirk at me "Are you jealous?"

I scoffed " Me jealous? You must be joking then. I can never be jealous of her "

" Oh really ?" He folded his arms around his chest " But your expression says otherwise and how did you know of her arrival? You've been inside locked up"

" It's none of your damn business" I was getting angry. The bastard was enjoying this, he loves to see me all riled up.

" Calm down kitten" he laughed " She's just here to visit. No one is taking me away from you"

I made a face " Oh please, I never wanted you anyway so she's free to take you if she wants. All I need right now is for you to get the hell out of my room" I practically yelled.

He chuckled," Need I remind you that this is my house and no one dares to drive me away from what's mine? I am the owner and I come in as I like and also go out when I like it "

I glared hard at him "You're enjoying this right? Keep it up, Zion"

He shrugged " I've said all I need to say. It's time for lunch, I'm sure you are hungry"

Just in time, my stomach growled loudly embarrassing me the more.

Zion chuckled " Well then, it seems you are hungry after all. Let's go" he gestured with his hand.

" Stop treating me like a prisoner. I'll move on my own"

" Ok, do as you please he said then left me alone, leaving the door wide open.

My mouth was wide open " I'd expected him to keep on insisting but he left just like that. He freaking left as if he doesn't care"

If I wasn't so hungry right now, I wouldn't have gone out. I fumed then made my way to the dining table. They were all seated but hadn't started serving yet. It looks like they were waiting for someone before they could start eating.

" The princess is finally here " Xander sang.

I hate that man with passion. Why must he always interfere in things that don't concern him?

All eyes turn on me. I felt out of place and Zion made no move to help out He was sitting beside the beautiful lady. The nerve. The only empty seat was beside Xander's. How the hell did they expect me to sit beside Xander of all people? I was screaming in my head.

" Morning everyone" I greeted I know it sounded bland but what do you have me do? They better accept me just as I am.

" And she greets"

Ok, someone should tell that piece of trash to keep the hell up. What the hell is wrong with him?!

Zion's leave no sign of coming to my rescue.

" Dear, how was your night ?" Zion's dad asked with a fatherly smile.

This man seems to be the only one that accepts me. The rest all don't like me. Their mom was busy with her nails, pretending as if she didn't hear my greetings while Zion with the pretty lady was busy having a conversation that I had zero ideas about.

This isn't fair to me. He should at least show some respect since I was here.

" My night was ok" I replied with a small smile.

" Good. Come have your seat" he gestured to the seat beside Xander's.

They didn't even introduce the lady to me, do I look unimportant to them?

I swallowed " ok"

I pushed myself to walk, deep down I was boiling. I sat down feeling so abandoned. My hands were formed into a fist. I tried as much as possible to control myself.

Xander noticed so he sniggered " Someone is jealous " he whispered so that only I could hear

I glared hard at him " I don't know what you're talking about "

He smirked "Of course you know "

" Leave me alone please"

" I wasn't holding you by the way," he said smugly " except if you want me to"

" Flirt" I cough out.

" I've been called a lot darling " he winked and I glared at him.

" Will you two stop with the flirting already," Zion said in an angry voice. What is with this man, I wasn't flirting with anyone I should be the one angry and not him

" Someone is angry" Xander whispered into my ears

That gesture made Zion angry the more and the truth was, I was enjoying it. Two can play the game, right?

Caged by the alphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora