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I moaned softly enjoying my sleeping posture. I felt a hand wrapped around my waist making my eyes snap open. I was in an unfamiliar room, where was I?

I tried my best to pry the hand off me. The event of what transpired last night came rushing back to me. I had a one-night stand for the first time in my life. I could still feel the pain in between my legs.

A blush crept up my face. Last night was heavens, I've never done this with any man before. Zion was so gentle with me. I had thought he'd be rough but he proved me wrong. Gosh, what is this man doing to me?

I was still naked from under the duvet. I sat upright gently not wishing to wake him up, Zion groaned a little when he felt my absence but he didn't wake up. He looks peaceful when he sleeps. I stared at his beautiful face sadly. This will be the last time we'll meet. I need to run off before he wakes up.

I got down from the bed and went to clean myself up in the bathroom. I was so fast about it just so he wouldn't wake up and still find me here. I wouldn't want him to see my bed hair, guys like him will never date someone like me. I know this is a one-time thing for him so it's better I don't fall too deep for him.

I put on my clothes and held my heels in my hand. I tiptoed out of the room, closing the door gently behind me. I let out a sigh when I finally got outside.

The hallway was clear of people. I wonder where Stella slept last night. Did she look for me at all? I went down the stairs before dialing her number. She wasn't picking up her calls. I groaned annoyed. She drove me here and how did she expect me to go home? I have no cash with me.

She better not ditch me, she won't hear the end of it. I could still see a few people sprawled on the floor of the room. They must have had enough to drink last night.

I rolled my eyes when some couples were making out in the open. Who does that for crying out loud? Some secrecy would have been better. I made my way out of the room.

I checked my wristwatch and couldn't be more surprised to see that it was a few minutes to my work time. I'm going to be late and my boss won't let me have the end of it.

I hailed an Uber after informing him that I'd make a transfer to him and he agreed. Some Uber men prefer cash to transfer.

A few minutes later I was home. I'm certain I look like a lost puppy right now. My heels made a sound as I moved but who cares, I was home finally.

I rang the doorbell, mom opened it in seconds.

" What happened to your keys?"

Yes, guys don't be surprised, that was the first thing my mom greeted me with. She didn't even ask after my movement. Some mom she is.

" Really Mom?" I raised a brow as I went inside, trailing behind her. I pushed the door behind me.

She chuckled " What ?"

" You didn't even show some act of concern"

She went into the kitchen but I still followed her "You are now an adult Ella, I don't need to always control your movement. I know the kind of daughter I have so why should I bother "

" Is that all you can say? " So much for this woman

" Yes that's all I've to say and by the way, I'm expected some gist. I know a lot happened judging by the hickey around your neck" She wiggled her brows.

" Mom! "

" What? " She said acting as if she didn't know what she did "Am I not allowed to know? "

" Some mom you are"

" Some daughter you are too," she said with a smirk " Come tell me, please. I've been waiting for this day"

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes at her "You are insufferable"

" But you love me like that " she winked. " Come have your seat dear," she said patting the seat beside her. I groaned but still ended up sitting beside her.

I unhooked my heels and kept them beside me. I never knew I'd last wearing those heels. " What do you want to know ?"

" Everything" she beamed.

I let out a sigh then my mind went back to those moments. is he looking for me? Or is she smiling after achieving what he wanted from me? Am I one of his many nightstands or am I the first?

So many thoughts kept swirling in my head. I need to find out his reaction when he didn't find me beside me. Does he feel exactly how I feel for him? Is he happy that I left before he wakes up?

I felt bad knowing that, that would be the last time something like that would happen between us. Funny enough I don't regret giving him my virginity. I feel good knowing that he took it but why?

" Ella?"

I was cut off by my mom. I turned to be " huh?"

" Are you okay?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

" Yes, why?"

" I asked you a question but your mind seems elsewhere. Are you sure you are ok? "

I nodded "Yeah I am"

She let out a sigh and right then I knew her parenting mood was activated. She held my hand " I don't have to know the full details of what happened last night. That is your secret and I will understand. All I need to hear from you is, did you enjoy yourself last night? Are you happy that you went out? Or did you finally find the one? "

I smiled a little " I'm happy I went out last night. I'm really happy "

She beamed "That's good to hear them. Did you meet anyone? "

Judging from the blush on my cheeks, I knew her question was answered "Awwww. I'm so happy for you dear"

" I'm happy too," I said but only I could hear it.

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