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Xander as usual opened his loud mouth. They all turn to stare at Me. I didn't know what to do so I stupidly waved at them. It felt like the most reasonable thing to do. It's so stupid of me to think that.

" The runaway princess is finally back," the Queen said. Her friend who was sitting beside her smiled. She seems lost here.

" oh, yeah I'm back." I said " I'm back to take back what belongs to me. I realized that I was being childish and now I understood how the whole system works. " I said

Zion's father didn't say anything. He seemed impressed with what I just said and that only burst my brain. All I wanted was for just a particular someone to be on my side and if that particular person turns out to be Zion's dad then I'm good. I have the leader so what's left?

The smirk on her face annoys the queen a lot. She seems to be annoyed with the fact that her husband supports me makes her want to claw my eyes out but news flash she can't. I will always have the upper hand. I have her son Zion and I also have her husband so she knew better than to do anything funny.

" I'm glad you are back dear. We miss you" Zion's dad said.

" I don't miss her " The queen muttered to herself but I heard her right. It made me stifle a laugh. It's kind of funny how this whole thing kept getting interesting day by day

I bet she doesn't know that Sandra was in the questioning room. The betrayal she wanted as a daughter-in-law, what a joke.

" Have any of you seen Sandra around?" Xander said all of a sudden as if reading her mind "

" I was also about to ask that same question too," The queen said looking around in the hope of seeing her somewhere.

I tried my best not to give it away that it was funny but my laughter did break out. I laughed as loud as I could. Everyone became so quiet at the table.

They were staring at me like I was going crazy. This whole thing only made matters worse. I'm very sure the queen sees me as a witch or something. I wouldn't blame her though. I sounded like a witch by the way with the way I was laughing so loud.

" Are you alright dear?" Zion's father asked

My laughter subsided. I nodded "Yes' the program showing on TV is what made me laugh. I got lucky the television was on and funny enough they were showing the funny part of the program"

" Oh okay".

" I find that hard to believe" The Queen sang out and that only made me shrug my shoulders.

I decided to enjoy my meal. I was hungry by the way. I needed lots of food in my belly after the fight last night. I can't wait to see that girl who calls herself Sandra. Something tells me that she knows so much. Some things are yet to be revealed about her. This reminds me to ask Zion when he wakes up.

Just as I was about to have a spoonful of my cereal, Zion kissed me on the head from nowhere." I was looking all over for you" he said. He didn't care if his parent were present. I smiled a little but then remembered that I should be angry at him after what he said yesterday. This was not the time to fight, I thought so I did what needed to be done.

" I was hungry so I had to come downstairs to have something to eat " I explain.

" Okay," he and placed a kiss on my hair again before sitting down.

I smiled to myself enjoying the moment. This is all I care about right now.

He then turns to greet his parent. His father didn't have a problem with the love he showed her just now. I guess this was some kind of a tradition in the pack. A man should always express their love for their mate. I've seen Zion's father do that a lot to his wife so I don't know why the queen feels irritated when Zion does the same thing to me.

I guess it's Sandra she wanted for him after all.

" There is something you need to know, " Zion said. I'm sure he was about to tell them about the event last night. The queen doesn't know what awaits her and I can't wait to see her reaction.

" What is it?" She asked.

" Yesterday we tracked down some rogues inside the palace," he said

" What?!"

" Yes Dad, we received some information that some rogues come into the pack in disguise so we planned on tracking them down last night and it went well," he said

" That's a good thing then," said his dad " What do they want actually "

" Well, this is where you find the most shocking thing about the whole story"
" Which is?"

" That someone we trusted a lot was working with them," he said trying to gauge their reaction as he said it.

" Why are you scaring us? Who is that person son?" The queen asked.

It seems the former ing knew who that person was already. He was a previous king after all so it wasn't hard for him to read his son's mind.

" It's Sandra. She is their spy"

" What?!" The queen couldn't believe her ears. She was still in denial. She kept shaking her head then her eyes met mine " You! You must be the one feeling my son with lies. I'm sure you are the one working with the rogues. He is only covering it up just because he loves you. Stop lying ".

"You need to calm the hell down," Zion's father said. He hated that she was acting up like this. This isn't something he loves to see at all.

" Sandra is the actual betrayal. You best open your eyes and see who the real betrayal is and stop blaming me for all the things that girl has. I know you don't like me but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me in that manner "

Everyone kept quiet at my outburst. I've had enough of it. She needs to understand that she isn't the Luna anymore. I'm the new Luna whether she likes it or not.

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