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I will kill Stella for making my dress like this. If I had known that this would be some kind of a gathering I wouldn't have put on trousers and a top. Gosh, I look like a home girl.

Stella covered her smirk " I'm sorry please"

" Then why did you allow me to dress like this?" I questioned.

" I said you should put on something you'll be comfortable in" She shrugged

" But you should have given a hint that you all are going to be in dresses. Look around you Stella, I'm the only one in jeans for crying out loud!"

She giggled "It doesn't matter, you always look beautiful so don't you worry"

" I hate you right now "

She blew an air kiss my way " But I love you"

I glared hard at her "So tell me before I outburst more on you, whose party is this?"

She clasped her hand as if remembering that she should have done that earlier. Stella then looks at me with guilty eyes.

I cock a brow at her " What is it?"

She rubbed her neck " I should have told you before bringing you here but I knew you wouldn't come if I had done that "

" Just tell me already and stop talking in riddles"

She sighed " This party was organized by Zion. This is one of his mansions amongst order"

I furrowed my brows confused. Of course, I know Zion was rich but I never knew he was super rich to own something as big as this. J stared around again and my surprised expression couldn't be missed.

" he owned all of this?"

She nodded with a smile " I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him"

I waved it off "It's nothing, I'm good. So what's this gathering about?"

" Oh yes, his parent just came back from Germany and this party is to mark their safe arrival" she explained and I found it stupid.

" so you mean just because they arrived safely they needed to organize a party?"

She nodded " Yes"

" But that's stupid" I couldn't help but say

" I know right but the thing is, this is some kind of a tradition they follow so it's nothing new to them, and don't forget that they are rich. Spending a lot of money on little things doesn't affect them" she said.

" Then they should please give me all that money. It's like they don't have anything useful to do with the money " I retorted " but what is with all the tradition? Is he from a particular native which I'm not aware of?"

She found my question a little surprising but didn't have to say it cos it was written on her face "Of course now "

"Are you sure ?"

" No. But why do you ask?"

I let out a sigh " I just find some things strange these days"

" what is it, Ella?"

" I don't know why I feel that I'm missing some part of my life. I mean, I've been living with my mom since birth but something still feels strange when I think about things"

" you are confusing me the more Ella, what do you mean?"

" I've been having this dr...

" Hello, ladies" we got interrupted.

Alex smiled widely upon seeing us. What is with this guy always acting strange?

" Hey Alex"

" hi Stella"

Okay, this was getting uncomfortable. So it was my cue to say something.

" It's nice seeing you again, Alex"

" Same with you. I didn't know you were coming " he said.

I scoffed " Why are you saying it as if you don't want me here?"

He activated his defensive mood immediately " Of course I want you here. I'm only surprised you know "

" Well then I'm here already and treat me as the guest I am" I retorted jokingly

Alex found it funny to so he laughed " I know right"

Stella cleared her throat " Well if you two may excuse me, I need to use the restroom." That being said, she left immediately.

Alex and I shared a look. Is my friend jealous or something?

" You see what I told you about her being a big problem," he said staring in the direction she passed through.

" Just admit it, you like my friend"

He made a choking noise " God forbid. She is not my type and will never be one "

I shrugged " Don't say I didn't warn you"

" oh please. Why not we talk about how beautiful you look tonight " he said instead.

" here we go again, Alex always dodging the truth"

He chuckled " I'm not dodging anything. I find the conversation useless that is all"...

" Don't say I didn't tell you when it's too late."

" Oh please, like I'll go for someone like her " he scoffed.

Alex called a waiter who brought two glasses of champagne for us. I was grateful for that.

" So tell me your type Alex," I said enjoying the conversation

He started at me " I don't have a type. When I get connected to you, then you are it for me.  That's how I work. I'm not the kind of guy who has the image of my dream girl already from birth. I just want someone who is understanding, caring, and of course, someone I share a connection. It's not always about the look but she does not have to look like some Buffalo"

I chuckled " hope you meet someone like that soon"

." I hope so"

.He winked at me " So tell me, love, how do you expect your dream guy to look like  ?"

I smile remembering those days when I kept insisting that I wanted a tall, rich, and handsome guy. The truth is I've found that kind of guy obviously but he is out of reach. Zion is who I'm talking about.

" I'm waiting love" Alex sang

" I also want someone I share a connection with, " I said instead.

" We all don't we?"

I don't know why I find it hard to believe that Alex doesn't know what transpired between me and his friend. The way he kept smirking at me says otherwise.


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