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I smiled so wide after seeing the shining sun once again. I've missed this feeling. I was finally out of the hospital bed and the first place I thought of coming was the garden. It gives me this peace of mind.

I let out a loud sigh. The birds chirped loudly. I stretched out my hand so that few could stand on my open arms. I've seen people do that and the birds comply. To my utmost surprise, three birds sat on my open arms. I smiled so happily.

It felt good having these beautiful birds sitting in my hands. They felt comforted.

A throat was cleared behind me scaring the birds away. I was sad they left. I turned around to see the intruder and Xander stood with his hands folded behind him.

He wore a rich smile on his face. He does look like Zion but my Zion is still my number one choice. But lately, he is making me hate him. He still hasn't come to check on me.

" I see you're beginning to get acquainted with the birds," he said

I rolled my eyes at him " But you drove them away."

" My bad. I didn't know they'd flee away upon my arrival. I can help you call them back" he suggested and I kind of love the idea

" Really? Can you do that?"

He nodded and then said " Watch me "

He whistles dragging the bird's attention. The birds began to move closer to us surprisingly. He is good with the birds.

They flew on his shoulder. It was a sight to behold. I awed happily.

" Look at that" I pointed

Xander laughed " They obey quite well but at times they sometimes don't listen no matter what you call them "

" Teach me," I said and he nodded.

He shrugged his shoulders and the birds flew away. Xander turns to me " Are you ready?"

I nodded "More than ready. I want to learn how to call birds"

He nodded then said, " Can I touch you?"

I furrowed my brows confused at what he meant. I kind of glared " What do you mean?"

He raised his hands in surrender " It's not what you mean. I was only asking for permission to touch your hand. That is to show you the right way to position it "

Realization dawned on me " Oh" I sighed "Sure go ahead"

Xander held my arm and guided the two arms up to my chest level " Open them widely ' he said and I did as told.

He was so close that whoever saw us right now would think something was going on. I held my breath, I felt suffocated by his closeness. I don't want to be the cause of a fight between the two brothers

Xander noticed my changed mood so he stepped back but didn't say anything "Whistle"

I don't know how to whistle " I can't "

He smirked " I'll teach you"

" ok"

" Open your mouth a little then you form a pout. Make it a little tighter"

I did as told and my mouth hurts from practicing.

" push out some air, slowly. Don't force it too much. It gets easier when you get used to it" he said

I did as told and a little sound came out in the form of a whistle. I was glad. I grinned from ear to ear. Xander also shared my happiness.

" That's a start. You'll get used to it as time passes" he said and I agreed with him

" My mouth hurts, " I said jokingly

Xander chuckled " It gets easier with time "

I gave him a look " You don't seem so bad"

He shrugged " Don't trust so easily " he warned.

" No, I know what I'm saying. You might have your flaws but you still aren't as bad as people put you to be. The only thing I noticed is, you are not on good terms with your brother " I said and his eyes twitched.

" You don't know what you're saying "

I raised a brow " Of course I know "

"What the hell is going on over here!"

My heart skipped a beat upon hearing that voice. It's been ages since I heard him. Ok, it's just two days now but it feels like months. I've missed him so much.

I snapped my neck in that direction and I got hooked on this Greek God. He was dressed nicely in a nice t-shirt that hugged his body firmly. I shamelessly gawk at him.

" I thought I asked a question," he said.

" Zion" I breathe out.

He didn't even give me a look. His attention or should I say his question was more directed to Xander and it seems the latter wasn't in the mood to answer. This got Zion angry.

" Why? You heard that I'll take her away from you?" Xander taunted. I wish I could slap him right now.

Can't he see that Zion was angry?

" Oh really, same as you tried doing before " Zion shot back.

Okay, this is getting into another new dimension. Did Xander try taking Hailey from Zion or did I hear another, m different thing?

Xander looks less affected " Since you chose to believe those lies then so be it. I have no time to explain things that don't even need any explanation"

Zion was fuming and I knew if I didn't interfere he might dash at Xander and that could cause a big fight. I don't need that right now so I did the only unthinkable thing I could do.

I stepped forward to stand in front of Zion " Nothing happened so please stop acting like this. He was only teaching me how to call a bird that's all"

" Why him Ella, why not someone else? A lot of people can teach you. I can teach you too" he said. His voice dripped with jealousy and I was glad.

" But you were not here. You never showed up after that day I woke up. You don't even care " I said. My voice dripped with annoyance and anger " I wanted you to be by my side that day but you just left without even saying anything "

" Oh well, I think it's my cue to leave," Xander said.

" Yes leave " Zion glared.

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