(49) Dream Log 12 ~ Garden Renovations and Dan and Phil

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So I literally just woke up so I need to write this down.

It started out in this giant house and out back there was what looked like a dilapidated backyard.

The owner was away so I was like "well I'll see what I can do about her backyard."

So I think there was some other guy there but he was just off trimming hedges or something.


So I had this weird tool and it was almost like a video game tool.

I just kind of hit it at this tangle of bushes and the whole thing disappeared to reveal this walkway

And then I discovered that this lady had a giant garden...

Complete with a maze.

So then she gets home and we haven't done the whole garden but we got some of it done.

Oh and I'm pretty sure this rich old lady was my grandma.


So then my dream changed.

I was with my sister and this strict old lady... (not my grandma)

We were at like Vidcon or something and my sister was looking for a youtuber she likes (as far as I know she only watches the Frozen videos I put on for her. Rosanna Pansino's Frozen creations save my life when I babysit)

So I went off and lo and behold, I find Dan Howell.

I dunno where Phil was but I think he told me I just don't remember.

Anyway so I was just being all like fangirly and stuff and then I left and I think it was over

And so then I just hung out with Dan. Like we just talked and walked around and it was pretty fun.

I was kind of hyper so I probably like scared him or something.

Then it was after and I was on a train.

I see some of my friends and follow them to the back of the train...

where they've set up sleeping bags and I'm like "uh hey can I stay here with you guys?"

And the monitor lady gave some bs excuse like "no only five people can be here and we already have five"

And I'm like "but I only see three sleeping bags."

And she gave some more bs so I left.

I went back to the front where Dan and Phil were. I sat kind of away from them, but every other seat was full so I really had no choice.

I was just chilling and then I heard them taking a quiz and they asked me to take it too.

So I did, and I don't remember the questions,

but I remember imaging someone snowboarding while I read it.

Then I woke up.

I was kinda sad so I tried to fall asleep and drop back into that dream,

But it's hard to do that with Austin and Ally playing super loud in the room next to you (thanks Meg)

So now I'm writing it down so I don't fully forget it.

So yeah

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