(10) Quick Author's Note

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Okay so a lot of people have asked me me if they can do something like this. Actually only one person, but she's my friend so she counts as a million. It makes me feel famous, okay? Anyway, if you want to make something like this, it's fine. I really don't mind. I just didn't want you copying THIS ONE. If you want to do this and just be yourself go for it.

Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.

That's one of my favourite quotes.

Oh and thank you guys so much for fifty reads! I know it's not a lot, but it hasn't been that long since I started this and so I'm really surprised that reads have gone up this fast!

Thank you all and I know this is really all sentimental, but whatever. I'm just saying thanks and you can do something like this if you want.

So yeah.

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