(38) Random Things That I Don't Like

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This may get a tad bit weird

but not in the bad way just the

"what even is wrong with you, Delia" way


1) the letter C
Pick a sound. Do you sound like an s or a k?

2) the bathroom after someone has a shower
It's so steamy and stuffy and the mirror is fogged up.

It's just ugh you know?

3) winter
As much as I love being cold I also hate being freezing.

Plus my room gets all stuffy and I'm not allowed to open my windows.

I keep my door shut and put a towel by the crack so it's not like I'm making the whole house freezing.

4) science
I like thinking about the universe and all that

But I just don't get the science side of science.

Atoms? Nope.

The rainbow thing with black lines? Nope.

5) weighted averages
This is a math thing for those who don't know

And it's really complicated

I don't like math anyway

But this doesn't help

6) silence.
I can't stand it.

Silence is deafening.

I need to have music on or a show on my iPad playing when I sleep.

We had a lock down drill at school yesterday and we all had to be quiet.

I wanted to scream.

7) writing a number as the number
If I'm writing a story that uses a number, I write out the whole word of the number.

"What time is the concert at?" Jerry asked.

"It starts at 8 but we have to get there at 7 for good seats," I replied.


"It starts at eight but we have to get there at seven for good seats," I replied.

8) posters
I think I mentioned this earlier in the story

I don't like having a lot of posters in my room because I feel like they're looking at me.

I asked my cousin, who has a giant harry styles poster hanging in her room, why it didn't bother her and she said that that's why she liked having posters.


If they're not looking at the camera, sure, hang it up, but if they are?

They stare into your soul that's what happens.

9) houses that are too clean
Sure I don't blame you for wanting a clean house,

But a house that is spotless all the time?


To me that means that nobody lives there.

If people lived in a house, there would be evidence.

Maybe a stain on the couch,

A rug with frayed edges,

A dent in the fridge


Petunia Dursley I'm looking at you.

10) movies that are WAY off from the books
I get that not all movies will include every tiny detail,

or maybe edit things to make it easier to film or the story shorter,

But if they change everything?

Nuh uh.

I will watch it over and over again and pick apart every little detail wrong

Just for the sake of it.

The Percy Jackson movies are a great example of this.

The second movie got the God damn mythology wrong.


Harry Potter número four

Great series, but that one was way off

Sorry, but it had to be said.


The Giver movie.

I personally have only seen the trailer for this,


I can spot at least ten different things wrong with this movie

By looking at the trailer.

11) Saying People's Names
I always feel like I'm going to get their name wrong.

I could have been best friends with someone for all my life and I would still be worried that I would say the wrong name

So yeah.

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