(37) Fun Facts

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Random facts about me and my life


-hell yeah I still believe in Santa Claus and nobody will tell me otherwise

-I'm like 70% sure I'm psychic

-I hardly ever see my dad (longest period of time where I didn't see him was from last Christmas to this October)

-I fell down the stairs carrying my cat once and my first reaction was if my car was okay

-I have an irrational fear of mirrors

-I love noses

-I don't trust markers)

-I recently joined a percy Jackson role playing group (no ragrets)

-the princess bride? Watch it. Now.

-my latest comeback is 'your face' ('I want some food' 'your face wants some food')

-netflix is my one true love.......besides tyler Oakley

-I watch Downton abbey

-I still name my stuffed animals

-if you leave me alone with graph paper and a pencil, I will make floor plans and comics

-organising is the best

-I've never been to Starbucks

-I don't like pumpkin spice anything

-veins weird me out, which is funny because my mom works in the hospital and does blood checks

So yeah

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