(53) Meeting Famous People

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How I imagine I would meet celebrities/my idols

Sorry if this makes no sense


So I don't expect myself in any way to meet my idols or favourite celebrities through a meet-and-greet

Or even see them walking around town

Like no

When I imagine myself meeting my idols,

I complicate things.

Let's throw in Dan and Phil here as an example.

So it is one of my aspirations in life to live in the UK

I don't care where, just send me there and I will never return.

(Not true I'll come back for family and then maybe on holiday later in life to like Harry Potter world because I'm a geek)


The only ways I see myself meeting Dan and Phil are:

1) Coincidentally moving into their apartment building

(Completely coincidental, I swear.)

So I have decided that I will try to always have a positive outlook on life,

And I am perfectly okay with being sickeningly happy some days

And with this decision, I have realised that when I move somewhere like an apartment or something, I will make cookies or something for my neighbours.

No lie.

I mean I'll make cookies as a "congrats you moved" present for myself and then I'll be like

"Eh I'll be nice and share. Might as well start off on mildly good terms with these people."

So I imagine I would bake a batch of cookies or cupcakes and go around knocking on doors with horrifyingly cute gift baskets and give these strangers cookies.

And I knock on a door


It's my two idols.


I would die first of all

And I mean honestly by the time I move to England they probably won't even live there anymore

I don't even know, you guys.

2) I'm being chased/attacked/stalked and I run into a building that just so happens to be their home

No lie, this one runs through my head the most.

I'll be like running from something

Like full on horror movie even

And then I'll knock on a door somewhere and they'll help me

Like hide me or something I dunno

And then help me home

3) I'm another youtuber and we become friends through le youtubes

Like literally I just want them to be my best friends.

I hate using this as an example, but if I were dying, my dying wish would be a tour of London from Dan and Phil.

Absolutely no lies here.


But just things like that.

If I were ever going to meet Benedict Cumberbatch it would be because I walked into the wrong revenue and crashed his baby shower

Which would never happen


I'm tired okay

So yeah

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