(24) I need a life

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I'll get straight to the point.

I need a life.


Here's how my day goes.

-wake up

-turn off alarm

-go back to sleep

-repeat until mother yells at me to wake up

-get up

-pick out clothes

-put on clothes

-turn off radio

-turn off light

(Don't judge me)

-eat breakfast

-brush hair while watching whatever my sister is

-grab iPad

-quickly check to see if homework is done

-wait for bus

-get on bus

-go to school

-(almost) die from school

-come home

-call mom


-play sims

-do chores

-do homework

-play sims until someone comes home

-when someone gets home quickly get off sims and bolt to my room

-watch videos


-eat dinner



-watch TV



So yeah.

Also... All together I've played about 467 hours or something on Sims.

Also I'm on day 101 of collecting daily bapples on minion rush.

And I'm almost up to date on my fave YouTubers YouTube videos.

I need help.

So yeah.


Sorry for the short chapter but I'm in History right now

Hashtag rebel


Don't forget to comment your questions for the Q&A that nobody seems to care about.

Love you too, jelly beans.

Also, check out my new story called The Fandom Apocalypse. I only have the intro kinda thing up but I think it's a cool idea. It's just a story with a BUNCH of fandoms. I have also recently joined new ones so if you want to find something similar we can fan over then... well... message me. We can become friends. :)

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