(41) Period.

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I bet you all thought this would be about something else...

But it's not

It's about punctuation


So I guess I feel indifferent about punctuation.

I mean, obviously I like it and I appreciate it and I hate it when it's used wrong...

But...well... I dunno.

Okay let's just go through a list.



They end a sentence and if I didn't use them then sentences would be like this Don't you agree?


Commas are bae. I love commas way too much. I don't know why, and yes I am slightly over exaggerating, but I love commas.


Colons are okay. I mean I only use them for making a list, and I don't really use them in regular writing, but they're okay... I guess.


I have no clue how to use a semicolon so I just plug it into a paragraph every so often.

I have yet to be called out on it.

Question mark?

Question marks are great. They are a close second punctuation bae. I especially love writing different types of question marks out on paper.

Bubble question mark...

Fancy question mark...

Robot question mark....


(I'm realising that the bold in the title thing is making it hard to see so here - ‽)

These are amazing, and I can't really elaborate on this because I don't know how, but I don't think I really need to.

Long story short, they need to add these to keyboards.

And last but not least...

Exclamation point!

I know this will sound weird, but I have a thing against exclamation points. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it makes the sentence seem almost too excited. I'm not sure how to explain it.

For example, if I were texting you, I wouldn't type


I would type

"Ew who are you"

Which, for me, is basically the same thing (only better *flips hair awkwardly*). And just for future reference, this is a friendly greeting and I'm not calling you 'ew' worthy or anything.

So yeah.

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