(36) Halloweentown High

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Haha no I'm kidding I've actually never seen that movie

Please don't kill me


Okay so Halloween this year was a bit hectic.

I made my mother a costume because she was going to a party, and I went to goodwill and bought my costume.

My mother was a TARDIS

And I was Hermione.

My friend Shannon was going to be Luna but apparently she only wears her costumes once and she wore it to the dance my school had

(It totally sucked btw. I didn't go but I heard other homo-sapiens talking about it)

Instead I had gone to a birthday party for my friend Zoe, who I believe I have mentioned previously in this story.

Actual Halloween was kinda crazy. Shannon bailed on me to go with someone else, and I was going to go as Hermione anyways because Hermione doesn't really need a luna, it was really just that Shannon had blonde hair and there were black robe things at Goodwill.

But then she let me join the group she was going with......

But then she had to cancel because her mom already made plans for trick or treating.

Yeah I'm fourteen and I trick or treat

Don't judge my life decisions.


So then I was going to go with my friend Allison who I think I also previously mentioned but if not then I'm mentioning her now.

She's a Pentecostal who's obsessed with Eminem and tumblr and she is probably going to stop all the religious stuff like not cutting her hair and always wearing skirts and stuff when she's eighteen.

She just doesn't understand why they have to do that.

Back on topic now.

So she was going to go with this girl Madison who I find kind of annoying so at first I was going to go but then I waited too long to leave so I couldn't meet up with them.

Then I was thinking maybe I would go with Zoe, but she was going to see Ouiji.

Nice choice, Zo.

So then we had to wait for my stepdad to come home before we could leave because we didn't know what the deal was with my sister's trick or treating plan

Dave wanted to take her to this local famous place where the road is blocked off but my mom didn't want to go there and I was like

"Whatever guys I don't really care."

So then I invited my boyfriend to tag along

Remember guys I have a boyfriend now

It's so weird

I'm still used to making forever alone jokes and it's been what, like four months?

Yeah basically.

Anyways, so he came with us and we just wandered around.

My sister kept calling him "Prince Charming" and I was like "no, Meg, stop"

There's this really awesome pink Victorian style house that this old lady lives in and every Halloween she does this awesome set up but we couldn't find it.

So then we went back to my house where I played Lego Harry Potter with him and then he went home.

And then I fell asleep at like midnight.

So yeah.

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