(19) I attempt poetry

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So I joined a creative writing group and we've been focusing on poetry lately, so I thought I should try some out here and see what you think!


We've done Acrostics, rhyming poems, Haikus, and Tanka.

I'll give a definition of each.





An acrostic poem is a poem that doesn't have to rhyme, but the first letter if each line is part of a word. The whole poem is based off a word. That was really confusing so I'll just show you.

Sometimes I want to cry

Crappy work you give me stresses me out

How dare you hurt people

Obviously you're not fulfilling your quota

Oh, so you think your doing a good deed?

Likely story

See what I mean? It's a poem about school, and it spells school. Trust me, it's easier than it sounds.





Do you really need a description? It's a poem that effing rhymes.


By me

The stars shine bright

Revealing the night

Taking our minds

Which they hypnotise

The glittering mass

Those balls of gas

They twinkle in our eyes

And watch over our lives

Just heated gas

They float like glass

In the darkness of night

They eat up our frights

The heat from the stars

Warms all of our hearts

They shine on our faces

And save all our graces.

So yeah that's rhyming. This one actually sucks because my teacher is playing Spanish music so I can't focus. I'm not actually learning Spanish it's just that my homeroom teacher is also the Spanish teacher. Anyway, I knew I would fail at that, but I had no inspiration SO DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!!!!!!!





Haiku is an ancient Japanese form of poetry and it's based off of syllables. The Haiku pattern is 5-7-5. They are mainly about nature and the seasons, but can really be about anything. It works best, though, if it's about the seasons.

Spring has sprung at last

Now the flowers bloom brightly

The birds at last come home

So that is a haiku about spring.





A tanaka is another form of Japanese poetry. It is similar to a haiku, only it's five lines, and the pattern in 5-7-5-7-7. These are also usually about nature.

Snowflakes gently fall

The trees are bare and leafless

Winter is now here

Snowmen are built out of white

The children play in the snow

So that was a tanka. I think I prefer tanka and haiku to other forms of poetry. I dunno, they just seem easier.

Well, that was my attempt at poetry. Let me know what you think and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASKE ME SOME QUESTIONS LIKE UGH I JUST NEED TO KNOW.


So yeah.

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