(39) It's The Little Stuff

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I literally just did a chapter on random thing that I don't like,

So I decided to do the opposite,

But I didn't want to name it the same thing (almost)

So I named it this instead.


Being small
This may sound a bit weird.

•I like being small like curling up into a ball when I'm cold because I become smaller in a sense.

•I prefer twin beds to double beds when I'm alone.

•I would rather have a smaller room than a freaking big ass room with a king sized bed and walk in closet and all that.

•I have a thing against mansions.

The Letter S
This has nothing to do with that fact that it starts my last name

•I have no clue why I love this letter but I do..... Like..... You don't even know.

•I like the way it sounds and this may sound a bit weird... but I like it when old people say it while reading.

Yeah yeah go ahead and judge me I don't actually care.

•I had a book called 'Miss Suzy' which was about a red squirrel who's home got taken over by grey squirrels and I would always ask my grandma to read it because of the way she said the 's.'

Cold Hair
I don't even know

•I have always associated cold hair with clean hair.

•I shower at night to save time in the morning so when I wake up sometimes my hair is still damp

Then when I go out and wait for the bus it gets cold

And it's amazing.

•I don't even know why I link it to cleanliness...

but I do.

Cozy stuff
The feeling of being cozy is probably the most amazing thing ever


'nuff said

•home decor

As I stated previously (like a bajillion chapters back)

My dream home is spacious but the way it's decorated makes it cozy.

Lots of blankets that you can curl up under

Mismatched furniture but not too mismatchy

Dark woods

You know what I mean?

Inside jokes

•I have literally more than thirty inside jokes with my boyfriend

All of them are so weird

Like a third came from typos

Another third came from the trekkers trip

And another third came from both of us just being weirdos

(I can guarantee you guys that he will comment on this btw. jfonts look for him in the comments you guys)

Seriously though why on earth do you read this.

I'm not even interesting

So yeah.

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