(60) Dream Log 15 ~ Dimensional Drift and 5sos

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Woah oh my god!

Two updates in one day!

This dream is much more recent.


Okay so before all you fanpeoples start freaking out over how 5sos is in this dream,

I'm not an official fan.

I barely know their names.

Anyway okay.

So it started out, I think, I was in some sort of hotel.

It was kind of like a university maybe? Like the rooms were more like dorms?

I'm not sure.

Anyway there was a weird shower system. Basically you had to crawl through this large flat room with a really low ceiling.

There were grates in the floor and every so often some water would shoot up and that's how you got clean.

So that was a thing. Next there was this weird thing with my sister. She would use this thing called "Dimensional Drift" (it's from Futurama) and avoid me.

Dimensional Drift is where you dip into the fourth dimension and then come out into the third dimension in another area.

I think.

Anyway so I was chasing her around and she was stealing all my Fall Out Boy albums.

I don't have any in real life but this dream doesn't only have bands I'm not a big fan of. Fall Out Boy is amazing.

I'm not saying 5sos isn't.

I know how you people get.

Anyways so I go into the kitchen and I look through the sliding door and I see a little girl.

It's dark out.

And I can only see half of her.

And it's raining.

So I nearly ran for cover.

Then I realised it was my sister.

So I went to open the door but I was hesitant because there was already one of her in here.

But she said something I don't remember what and I let her in.

I probably would have let her in even if she told me she was a demon from hell.

"Hi, I'm an evil demon here to devour your soul and watch you die in agony."

"Awww it's such an awful drizzle out there. Here come inside and take this blanket you have access  to all food and all weapons in the basement, cutie."

No but legitimately that's probably what would happen.

So I let her in and she wanders around (not killing people).

And then the other sister turned into Zoe? (y'all know Zoe she hacked my account a few chapters back, she's cool.) So now Zoe was the one stealing my albums and going into dimensional drift.

So I stole the dimensional drift thing and hid the rest of my albums.

Then my mom was like "hey come on do you wanna miss it"

And we're like "No way this is so exciting I can't wait!!1!!1!!!!!!1"

So we pull out of the garage (I don't have a garage, neither does Zoe) and we head off down the road.

So we get there and are like immediately shown to our seats which are in the way back row but in the top and they were actually good seats.

And I know this is so stupid and no famous band would ever do this but 5sos were literally sitting next to us.

Also, someone was sitting behind me and they were playing with my hair and idk I let them, they weren't killing me and it wasn't painful. (My friend Allison says that because I dreamed this, it happened in real life which is creepy but what about that last dream where my arm got cut with a sword, huh?)

So we were talking and everything and then somehow I get sent up on stage.

So I go up there and it's this old guy and this girl and they're singing a song and they're probably the opening group so it's weird that they called someone up.

I realise I'm probably sitting in someone's view and I want to turn and ask them if they can see okay but I don't because it's rude to talk during a concert.

Especially when you're right in front of them.

Anyway so I go back to my seat after the song and I sit down and I turn to Zoe and she's like "well I know what I'm bringing you to next time."

And one of the band members sitting next to me (I think his name is Ashton yeah it is I just looked it up only he had shorter hair in my dream.) is like "what"

And I'm like "Fall Out Boy! Omg they're so great. Not that you're not great. I like your music I'm  just not on official fan like all these people. I'm sorry this sounds bad doesn't it I'm making you feel bad aren't I?" because he got this sad look on his face as I kept talking.

And then I look at Zoe and she's pulled a laptop out of nowhere and is playing sims and decorating a room and the blues on the wall are different shades.

And I'm like "Why is one blue darker than the other?"

And she's like "Because it costs more to have the lighter blue than the darker blue!" really angrily.

And then I woke up.

So yeah.

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