(15) Dream log 4 ~ Cheap Award Shows and Spider Balls

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This was my dream last night, okay, and I need to write this down before I forget.


So I was in the dressing room before an award show, and I was getting all ready and such, and then another star came up and so I asked her to sign my book that randomly appeared in my hand. She did, so then I was happy.

There was a brother and sister there who were actually creatures of Time. I have no clue what Time is, like, thing-wise, but it sounds cool. Anyway, they both represented Night. They were both clad in green to represent the movie they made... that I didn't watch....

Anyway, this place wasn't in a big area with tables and all that. It was a stadium. Like a school gym's stadium. I dunno my brain's messed up. Anyway, we were all seated and then it got dark. I have no clue who was behind me, but I started talking to them.

Okay so either my dream skipped to the end, or that wasn't even an award show. I'm going to assume that it was just my dream skipping. Otherwise the rest of this won't make any sense. Who am I kidding? It won't make sense anyway!

So it was after the show, and I walked over to the Time twins. People started staring and screaming at them, because their faces were changing. Their features shook violently and when they slowed down, they were times. They were both the same times, but it was getting nearer and nearer to twenty four (it started out at sixteen, and then rapidly increased). They had a big purple ball with them, and I tried to take it away, but it didn't work. They wouldn't let go.

I ran them to the doors, but apparently, big purple balls (haha) can't go through doors. I heard them yell that it was full of spiders and so then I ran. I was only a few metres away when the ball ripped apart and the killer spiders came pouring out. They were grey and shaggy with different coloured feet, like they were attacked by a little kid with a crayon.

Then one person just scooped them all up, ignoring the fact that they could kill him, but instead of taking them away, he just showed them all around to everyone and freaked us out.

Then I woke up.


So I think this was one of the weirdest dreams I've had. Tell me what you think in the comments below! I know I said I don't care, but I like it when you guys comment.


Thanks! :)

So yeah.

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