(52) Harry Potter story

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Hola again

Another update

Woop woop

I know you don't really care


As some of you may know,

I love Harry Potter far too much to be healthy.

Just to put it in perspective, I'm reading the books for the tenth time


No lies

Ask any of my friends

They will vouch for me on the spot

So from the title of this chapter you could guess where this is going

I have decided to write a Harry Potter story.

I was going to upload it the other day but I had s few complications with the plot

So I'm rewriting the prologue as best I can

And then we'll see how it goes from there

Anyways, it's called Fog and it's about a girl who has strange dreams and is brought to Hogwarts

That's about all I can tell you right now as it might spoil it a but if I tell you any more

So that's it

The cover is in the multimedia

And yes I am aware the the steam from tea is not fog

You'll understand why it's called that sooner it later

So yeah

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