(50) Dream Log 13 ~ Haunted Houses and Creepy Chickens

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Warning: This was a bad dream and the end is... well... a big change from my usual ends.


I was with one of my friends and we went to a haunted house.

It was normal at first, but people would just wander around rather than follow a path with "predetermined scare locations."

So then once we were ready to leave, we couldn't find the door.

Nobody else was freaking out.

Nobody else was getting actually scared.

But we were.

So we continued to wander around, and the whole thing seemed endless.

We walk into rooms and shine out flashlights in the dimly lit areas where we see a chicken.

It's a stuffed chicken but it seems almost a kind of thick liquid consistency.

Not so scary.

But then it starts moving.

It rolls forward towards us and just keeps going.

Naturally, we back away.

I think we met up with someone else at some point because we were sneaking about with them.

While we were sneaking about with this new person, we came across a new creepy threat

It was an blind man who shuffles along as he walks.

It doesn't sound scary but it was in the dream.

He had completely white eyes and it was really creepy, okay?

So he walks into the room with us and he shuffles around, and we all get on the floor and get out of his way, but he walks towards us (naturally).

So we give up on trying to sneak past him and we just run.

Then my friend and I split up and try to find the exit.


But we didn't find anything.


So then I couldn't even find my friend.

Every turn I made led me deeper into this house and it was impossible to get out.

I'm followed by the chicken and the blind man.

Eventually I come across a policeman listening to this guy's story he's telling.

The policeman was security for the house, meaning he couldn't do anything about anyone who wanted out.

Except maybe prevent them from leaving more.

If necessary.

The man telling the story asked me for something to glue on his paper so I pull out some rhinestones from my pocket.

(There we go, back to the weird side of my brain; who keeps rhinestones in their pockets? Me, apparently)

So I hand over the stones and he starts to stick them to the page, distracting the guard guy with a story.

As he sticks the stones to the page, a staircase appears for some reason.

I figure that if I'm going to get out any way, up is a better start that running in circles.

So I run up the stairs and its about three flights and there are more,

but then I come across a room.

So I go into it and there are kids taking a test in it.

So I go to the windows and throw one open and I see a pool at the bottom...

But it's all frozen, and there's snow at the bottom of another window,

So I go to the second window...

And I consider trying to find a window that leads to the other side of the house,

Because even if I make it through this, I could still be fenced in.

But I ignore the thought

And I let myself fall.

And then I woke up.

So yeah.

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