(13) Dream Log 3 ~ Battles with Golf Balls and A Protective Hairbrush

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Okay so this was my dream last night. This is not meant to be offensive, my brain just hates people.


I was in this meadow sort if thing and there was this small army of French people and German people. It was only, like, six people. So then my mom was just randomly there and said,

"Something is wrong! I have a plan! I will stand here and pretend to be hurt! The rest of you will randomly sing!"

So then she stood there and started saying in a totally unconvincing voice how hurt she was. Nobody noticed her. We all sang songs. I don't remember what song, but I'm listening to 'We Are The Champions" so we all sang that. That plan didn't do anything.

Thanks mom.

So then the Germans made some sort of signal and all three of them started attacking the three french dudes. They had guns and stuff, but their ammo was golf balls. I know, right? Weird.

So I ran into this wide open meadow where I would be an easy target because I'm stupid. I was shot twice in the heart with two large yellow golf balls and dear god that sounded wrong.

It didn't hurt, but it felt heavy, so I couldn't move at all.



A majestically hairbrush appeared in my hand.

I held it up to protect my face.

I need to go to an insane asylum, don't I?


So yeah.

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