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You guys!

We are almost at 1000 reads!

I realise that most of these reads are me rereading my own story

but whatever

Okay so i don't think you understand how happy it will make me to see '1k' by my story

I just

It just makes me so happy!

And you can tell because I'm using exclamation points!

That's how excited I am for this!

I think I'll just keep reading this until it gets to 1k and then-

I'm kidding.

If you guys could help in any way you can like sharing this to Twitter or something

(I'm not expecting you to actually but if you do tag me @omg_its_delia )

Thank you guys so much! I was looking back at old chapters and I remember how excited I was for more than ten reads!

If I was excited for more than ten then can you imagine how happy I am with over nine hundred?


I'm pretty excited.

So yeah

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