(35) Things that Annoy Me 2

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Omg another update

[WARNING: same as last time, these are just things that kind of get on my nerves since I don't have official 'Pet Peeves' where I want to rip my hair out and stuff so yeah. I sound really picky but I'm not I swear.]


Alright so in the past, I think I tried to make this chapter.

I either deleted it or just never published it, or never got past the first line.

Mainly because I was sounding kinda snobby and stuff.

But I'm not I swear.

I don't get all "GO AWAY BDHIFBSDIHVB" when people do these, it just kind of annoys me.

So I have a few pet peeves and they're mainly just little things, but I think there are a few bigger ones.

I also want to say that I also sound kinda picky so don't judge me.



So now we start the list.

When someone stops the microwave before the timer stops and doesn't get rid of the number.

Okay so this is the main one in my house. A lot of times it's my stepdad. It just annoys me when the timer is left on there after he didn't time it all the way. Okay wait that sounds confusing. When he uses the microwave, and then stops the timer before its done, and then leaves the remaining time on there instead of hitting clear and getting rid of it. It's just one button.

When the table is set wrong.

I realise that there are different ways of setting the table, but I always learned that the fork goes on the left, the knife on the right, and the napkin under the fork. Sometimes maybe, like, my sister or something will switch the fork and the knife. Sometimes it's my friend. If it's my friend, I'll suck it up and live with it, but if it's in my family? Nuh-uh, that bitch is getting changed.

When cupboard doors are left open.

I'm noticing a kitchen theme here.

So I do this myself, but it still annoys me. I'll be rummaging through the cupboards to find some food (because food is my bae <3) and I'll leave the cupboard doors open. I close them later because it annoys me, but still.

When someone swears ten times per sentence because they think it's cool.

I honestly don't think I even need to elaborate on this one.

so yeah.

(P.S. this is the 40th part of this story omg)

It's meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt