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So I have recently been on a 2 week camping trip.

We started out in Maine, where I live (not telling where, you stalkers) and drove to Vermont.

The leader of the group, Emily, has family in Vermont who were really nice and let us stay on their tree farm.

The only time we had meat on the entire trip was that first night when we had a cookout (complete with Capri-Suns!)

We stayed in VT for three nights, so four days about, and on the last day we drove again, this time to New York!

We stayed in Albany for a little while (i think about one or two nights) and then drove again to Buffalo, NY.

We stayed in Buffalo for two days and went to Niagara Falls, and then we drove to Pennsylvania!

On the fourth of July we went to visit Amish Country as a part of a cultural exchange portion of the tri[p, and then we went swimming, and then to Hershey Park (only it was spelled Hersheypark which drove me nuts)

I went on a level 5 out of 5 roller coaster and it had loop the loops and it was so awesome.

Side note- I forgot to mention this but back a few days, we went to a wave pool and I kept getting pulled under by the waves and, long story short, I thought I was going to die.

I didn't though, so that's good.

I think....

Anyways, then we started heading back and we stayed in Connecticut for one night and then we drove home,

I can tell you, it didn't feel like two weeks to me.

That's really all that happened.......

so yeah.


You guys, we are SO close to 500 reads. it's insane. I love you guys for reading this and I don't even know why you read this but thanks!\


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