(11) Noises and books

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Okay so this is just me and the weird sounds I make.


I don't even know what makes it. Sometimes when I'm hungry my stomach will growl so loud the whole room can wear it. Trust me, it's embarrassing. Imagine yourself in a room with your crush. You had breakfast but it's already noon and lunch is half an hour away. It's finally the day he sits next to you. You fix your hair and check your breath (because you guys will totally have a make-out session in class and nobody will care that you're making out with a guy WAY out of your league) and make sure you look perfect so he doesn't vomit when he sees you.

Anyway, you are totally close to him and it seems so romantic until-


Your stomach makes the most effed up sound it can. Your crush instantly retracts and you're back to square one, only this time he thinks you have a serious problem.

If you do then that was not meant to be offensive.

I mean I only have ONE class with my crush (I'm in that class right now ;D ) and he doesn't sit near me. He has before, though, and I'm surprised my hair didn't just start screaming or turn into snakes or something and scare the poor guy to death. If not then my hair would choke him.

Stupid hair.

No treats for you.

Anyway, another reason that won't happen to me is because I am way too insane for someone like my dream crush.

So I was also planning to say that just now..... Well not JUST now, but a few minutes ago, my throat make the weirdest noise it has ever made. It, like, gurgled or something. I know right? It GURGLED.

My throat's never gurgled before.........at least not in front of anyone........

Anyway..... Just thought I'd tell you guys that.

Also, I finally got a hold of 'The Silver Chair.'

For those of you uncultured people who don't know what that is, it's the fourth book in the Chronicles of Narnia series.

And I finally got 'The House of Hades,' which is the newest Rick Riordan mythology book.

It's the Heroes of Olympus.

That series is basically a continuation of the Percy Jackson series. It's really good I totally recommend it.

Anyway I also read 'Drama' by Raina Telgemier. It's a graphic novel about this girl named Cassie and she has purple hair and is on the backstage crew of her school play. It's really good.

Anyway, sorry this was so short for those of you who somehow enjoy this, but that's it.

So yeah.

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