(35) Dream Log 9 ~ Crickets and Comedy Clubs

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Yay I updated.

Seriously why do you guys even read this?


Okay so I just wanna say that I haven't been remembering my dreams lately and so if I post any more they will be pretty short.


So the first part I remember is I was babysitting this kid and he looks into a little room and says

"That's a comedy club, but listen," and we heard crickets chirping.

"Yeah," I said, and pointed to two crickets who looked like they were reading to get down and dirty.

Mind you, I've never seen a cricket, and if I have, it was way back when and it was just a picture.

So they start climbing the blankets on a bed that was in there, and I'm like,

"uh okay maybe we should leave," but the kid isn't having any of it.

He's going on and on about the different comedy club members, and I think at one point he used the word esteemed, and I'm just thinking,

Damn. This kid has a whole comedy thing going and I'm on the fourth generation of my sims family.

But then I congratulated myself on the sims thing, because you have to admit, that's pretty impressive.

But no, the crickets didn't stop there, they climbed onto my iPad which was just kind of there.

"No not my iPad" i say, but I don't speak cricket so they go there anyway.

So I snatch it out from under them and they go flying in different directions.

Naturally, one of them lands in my hair.

So I start beating up my hair, trying to get it out, and at this point I wake up.

It's five AM.

Okay, so sometimes, when I'm really tired, I hallucinate. Just little things.

First off, you should know that before this I was on my iPad, chatting with my boyfriend (God that sounds so weird).

You should also know that at this point I had forgotten that I had fallen asleep.

So I looked at the clock going "aw damn my mom's gonna kill me," and then realising that I must have fallen asleep at some point. Maybe dozed off.

So in this hallucination I woke up and my iPad was on my lap. It was still open on Facebook Messenger because (though it seems obvious in this context) that's where we chat.

So I try to pick up my iPad and I succeed and I kind of look at it without really looking at it.

You know what I mean?

Like when you're listening to something but your thinking of other things and you don't really listen?

It's like that

But with your eyes.

So then, all of a sudden, my iPad just disappears.

Naturally, I start freaking out.

I'm looking around, I'm patting the covers, I'm scanning on the floor, (I don't check under the bed though, I'm no fearless person)

And then I look over at my (I guess you could call it) bedside table. It's just two cardboard boxes because we're not really done unpacking.


So I look over there and I remember that I plugged it in before I went to sleep.

And then I remembered that i went to sleep.

So I calm down a little and go back to sleep.

Okay so this time I don't remember much but I feel like there was a talent show.


So Halloween was (and is) coming up, and apparently my house is the go-to place for costumes.

So I am walking around and, like I said, I don't remember much, especially this part, and I see my house.

I think there was something else there, but I don't remember.

Then I go to some park and find that those crickets turned out to be aliens who were repopulating.

They make a speech saying thank you for leaving them be to save their species and then said the would be out of our hair in a month, tops.

(This didn't happen, but as I'm writing this, I'm imagining some old lady saying something like "that's what my son said a year ago.")


So then I go to my house and j find my friend Zoe there and she's all dressed up like some clown ghost thing and if the lighting is right she literally had this hella-creepy glow.


I think that's all I can remember currently.

But perhaps I'll add more if I recover more info because we all know you guys just positively love reading about my effed up mind.

Seriously though why do you read this.

So yeah.

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