(28) The YouTubes

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Hey look another chapter about YouTube!

These things should have a theme song.



I am back with the YouTubes.

I have my first video up, it has been for a while, and I am sorry that I forgot to tell you.

I was busy eating.


*laughs nervously*

So I have about 7 (maybe) videos up and five subscribers and I am very happy. I know it will be slow, but that's okay. I have a few more to post and those will be coming up soon.

Also I would rather you not mention my wattpad on my channel, just to be on the safe side.

Thanks you guys!

And also thank you for over three hundred reads! I'm so happy! I don't even know why you people read this shit but whatever, if it entertains you to read about my weirdness and/or laugh at me, that's fine as long as you don't laugh at me to my face.

Thanks again you guys!

So yeah.

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