(17) Dream Log 5 ~ Loch Ness Monsters and Toy Story Monster Slayers

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Yay I'm back with more of my crazy dream.

Also, the Loch Ness Monster does not, in fact, ask for tree fiddy.


So it was Christmastime, and my family was gathered. So we don't actually have this, but the door to the basement was in the kitchen. Anyway, my grandad was spilling out his usual mumbo-jumbo and talking about how Nessie lived in our basement.

My cousin (the same one that snaps a lot) and I were in the living room opening presents. Anyway, afterwards, we all went into the kitchen to eat dinner. We have a kitchen/dining area if you're confused.


I was really interested in this whole 'Nessie' business. So after everyone was done, my cousin and I decided to summon the creature from the depths of our basement. We stood there with the door open and soon afterwards smoke started coming up from the stairs. It, was like a cheesy horror movie with the fog machine and then the hideous thing slowly riiiiiissessss from the deepppppttthhhhhssssssssssssss....


So anyway, then Nessie appeared and she wasn't, like, green or whatever like we think she is, but she was white with four or five black stripes on her back. It was weird, but for some reals. I was freaked out even though I knew this was coming... Sort of....

So after that my dream changed. I don't really remember this part, but I do remember that Woody and Jessie from Toy Story, only they were real people. They went around and camped out on people's front lawns, and there was like a video voice over where Jessie explained why she loved Woody. It was weird, but then it changed. They still looked the same, only something told met hat it wasn't Woody and Jessie anymore. This time it was Percy and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series.

Now this is where it gets kinda weird. They were on a beach in the Bahamas, but they had no place to stay, and Annabeth had, like, dark red hair. It was weird. So then they found this snack shack that COINCIDENTALLY had a little area that just needed some walls and it would be just like BAM!!!!!

Perfect place to stay for the night.

Anyway, they used tables to build up walls and stuff, but they still had a few minor holes they needed to fill.

So, as a demigod's life usually is, a hoard of monsters appears nearby and they have only seconds to prepare. Of course, this is a dream, so they don't fight.

In my dreams, heroes are effing cowards.

They filled in the holes with random things. In this case, they covered them up with cereal boxes.

I tell you I still have no clue.

Anyway before they could fight I woke up.

I know I know. I need to go to an insane asylum.

I realise that this wasn't exactly that weird, but trust me, you had to be there.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA I said that like you COULD be there but no. This was in my brain......

I'M SO ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! *cue dramatic music* *cries*


So yeah.

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