(7) How to deal with Sad me

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Okay so when I'm sad I get kind of complicated....


Okay there are a fair amount of things that make me cry.

1. Sad movies

2. When I'm frustrated

3. When I get yelled at

4. When I just need a good cry

5. When something really sad happens


6. When I think about losing my family

Especially my sister and my mum.

I'm actually tearing up right now....


So yeah.


Now down to the nitty gritty


So first off, when I cry, I don't like it when people touch me. Literally. I watched Titanic with my BFFL (@JellyBabies1997 actually) and I was literally just curled up in the corner crying my eyes out and cuddling with my pillow and yelling at her to not touch me. Seriously. Yeah I'm not cool, I know

Haha just kidding I am.

Also when I cry, I cry for a little while afterwards too because whatever it is that made me cry is still lodged fresh in my memory.

I cuddle with things when I cry. Just not people. Or anywhere near people. I will probably cuddle with your dresser and just curl up in your sock drawer or something. I don't know. I need to cuddle something. Just not something that can cuddle me back. Of course, once I've calmed down a bit I will just sit there and whimper and let those last few tears escape and just wallow in my own pity until someone comes over and slaps me out of it.

Oh um..... I meant SNAPS me out of it. Right. None of my friends have slapped me just to make me calm down. No way.






I don't cry when an important plot character dies in a movie. I don't. The only tear that escaped my eyes when Jack died were left over from the sinking. I mean, there were those old people and then that mom who tucked her kids in and said that everything was going to be fine. AND THEN THAT KID IN THE HALLWAY AND JUST

Another important thing. I don't cry over a song. Some of my Directioner friends were tearing up when they heard Little Things because they all had solos and it was all sentimental and shit like that, but I was just sitting there like, "Calm down. It's just a song."

There are only two songs that have ever made me cry or tear up or something like that.

-I dreamed a dream from Les Misérables


-Puff the magic dragon from who knows where

Okay so before you judge me on that last one, hear me out.

Puff The Magic Dragon is about an immortal dragon who becomes best friends with a little boy named Jackie. Now, most of you have probably only heard the sweet and fun version, and whoever sings it leaves out the last part.

It is as follows.

Please don't just skim through it.


A dragon lives forever,

but not so little boys

Painted wings and giant rings,

make way for other toys.

One grey night it happened,

Jackie paper came no more

And puff that mighty dragon,

he ceased his fearless roar.

His head was bent in sorrow,

green scales fell like rain,

Puff no longer went to play

along the cherry lane.

Without his life-long friend,

Puff could not be brave,

So puff that mighty dragon

sadly slipped into his cave...



So know you can somewhat understand why that song makes me sad...

So yeah.

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