(62) Things I Notice/Why I Love Eyes

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So I tend to notice things

And obviously, everybody does,

But I find that I appreciate the small things I notice.

One of my favourite things ever on this earth is the animation in Tarzan when Kala pushes the door open in the very beginning.

It's just such smooth animation and it makes me happy.

I notice things like that, the little things.

My favourite parts of the songs I listen to are usually the the smallest little chords in the mix but I love it so much.

There's this one part in Chopin's Raindrop Prelude where the lower part just does this thing, I do know how to describe it but it makes my heart happy.

Also, I notice features that people have.

Usually noses.

One time, back when I was innocent and didn't know what a fetish was, I told someone that I had a nose fetish.

I don't, let's just make that clear right now.

I just thought fetish meant that you like noses like just in an innocent way

I appreciate the diversity and shape of all the noses of the world in a non-sexualized way.

Also, I don't like noses in a weird way either and I won't be like staring at your nose all the time, I'll just notice it and appreciate it. I'm not gonna like walk up to you and just like stroke the bridge of your nose.

I know someone who's nose is thin and kind of crooked and it's a pretty cool nose and I love his nose and whenever I see him I say "your nose" and he thinks I'm making fun of it but literally I love his nose.

I'm going to stop with the noses because it's getting harder to make it sound like I don't have a nose fetish.

I don't.

Just to clarify again.

I don't.

Another thing I notice is eyes.

Eyes are wonderfully beautiful.

Have any of you ever seen an eye up close?

This is kind of turning into a sponsor chapter for Pinterest, but I have a board full of up-close eye photography.

No lie.

I love everything about eyes.

I love the colors they hold and how you never really see two eyes exactly the same.

I love the way the pupils will dilate when exposed to light.

I love it all.

I personally love brown and blue eyes.

Especially dark brown that's almost black.

And a blue that's not even just blue, but you don't realize it until you really look at it.

A blue that has light browns and greys and greens as well.

Dan Howell has the best brown eyes I've ever seen, I'll be honest with you all.

I love Phil's eyes as well, they are such a stunning shade of blue.

I also love it when you catch someone's eyes in just the right lighting and everything just changes.

I have this one friend and he has blue eyes and they're pretty light anyway

But then the liGHT HITS THEM.

It's like pools of sky just decided to hang out in these little irises that just so happen to reside in this person's face like JeSuS it's beautiful.

I know this little kid who has eyes like that all the time.

Which is wonderful.

This turned into a chapter about eyes, didn't it.


I don't stay on topic in real life.

So yeah.

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