(27) Dream Log 8 ~ Nail Card and Sheriff Swan

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Okay so this one was pretty weird.


So it started out, I was on a train, but I also think it was a house....


There was this guy from my school and for the sake of the story I will call him George. So I don't even like George like that, and I'm quite positive he doesn't like me like that either. So naturally my brain makes him go love crazy.

He was blabbering on about having kids and a boy named Jeffery (I think) and a girl named Megan (again, guessing) and the boy would be into sports and rocket ships and the girl would be all girly and I remember thinking 'oh my god. Really? He's just describing the stereotypical family.'

And then I got off the train.

I was at a dance.

So I was at a dance, and all my friends were there and I remember feeling really pretty but I don't remember my dress.

Okay so none of you probably remember this, but in my bucket list chapter, I listed having a religious friend who is also insane as 'done'. She's Pentecostal and I will call her Grace because I can.

Don't question me.

Okay so she came to the dance and her mom drove her and I remember her getting out of the car in this gorgeous dress that had a black tank top top and a flowing white high-low skirt that was made out of this material that was see through but it was layered so you couldn't actually see through it. Her hair was down and it's really long because she's not allowed to cut it. I'm not sure why she as wearing that dress though, but it was so beautiful on her.


So then I had this thing that could change the color of your nails and they would be painted perfectly. So I offered to paint her nails and she's like "whatever" so I take out the thing (it's like a piece of paper with the little squares of colour) and hold it against her hand and press this light, pastel green, but it shows up on MY hand.

Afterwards I realised that it was probably my brain reminding me that she's not allowed to paint her nails.

Then Emma Swan shows up.

If you don't know who she is, she is the main character in the show Once Upon A Time. It is an amazing show and I suggest you watch it, but only if you're into the whole 'fantasy' thing. Also, the graphics are pretty bad, but not 'scream-worthy' awful.


So then she starts yelling at someone and being all like "I'm the mayor of this town blah blah blah don't talk back to me" and all that, but THEN.....

I was Emma Swan. I started throwing things around at everyone and then I was me again suddenly and everyone was afraid of me so I walk over to my crush at the photo booth and start flirting or something but he just backs away.

You know...

...a normal dance.

So yeah.

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