Ch. 1 SUBS

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I finally make it to the cite with 3 sandwiches. I got myself the Italian, I got Scott a veggie wrap since he is a health nut and I got the all meat for Franklin. things between us got semi normal after the day of the move but I can't help the feeling he brings out of me no matter how hard I try I would never cross that line with him though not while I have Scott. I make my way to the mobile office and Franklin steps into my path he's wearing a suit today so he must have had a meeting with his investors. "hey Franklin all meat sub with all the fixings from Tony's deli" I say handing the sub to him. he doesn't smile which is weird maybe Scott talked him into his latest health kick. "uh Scott's not hear I sent him on a uh errand" he says taking the sub. 'okay do you know when he should be back I ask hoping I haven't wasted a trip the passed few days its been hard to get time with Scott. Franklin just shakes his head he can't met my eyes for some reason and I begin to worry. I begin to turn away and the door to the mobile office opens. I watch as Scott and a bleach blond bimbo exit the office he zips his pants and grabs the back of her neck, he crushes his lips to hers and the guys on the crew cheer him on he paws at her bony ass showing everyone her pink thong they cheer more every one except Franklin who looks like he wants to puke. then it hits me he knew Scott was in there with that Barbie clone.

Iam filled with a rage I have never felt before, I was more angry than the time my step mom made me have a pool party for my sixteenth birthday and wear a 2 piece in front of everyone. more angry than when my first boy friend told me he would break up with me if I didn't lose weight. this was Snapped on id discovery angry. I tried to get over to them but Franklin's hand caught my arm I yanked my arm away and approached them. "what the f**k Scott" I yelled. he jerked around but the smug smile stayed on his face. "Juliana what are you doing here" he asked there's no fear or remorse even. ' I saw you kiss her Scott so you better have a good explanation or its over" I yell tears are threatening to spillover and my heart is racing did I just say I would break up with Scott oh crap. 'Fine' he yells into my face. Scott is 5'8 and average build but I can't help it when I take an involuntary step back. I bump into Franklin and feel a sense of security. Barbie starts caressing Scott's arm trying to calm him down and it pisses me off more. "fine really Scott I moved here to be with you and this is how you repay me" I say pointing at the Barbie. "I didn't ask your fat a** to move here did I Juliana" I'm so embarrassed I just shake my head in response Just tell her the truth Barbies ays to him gently causing him to soften. Scott exhales and runs his hand through his dirty blond hair. "Look Juliana I never meant for you to get hurt so sorry and sorry about the fat thing I have been trying for months to end it with you, I met Karen (he said while gesturing to barbie) at a bar and we hit it off but then you moved here and I just couldn't find the words to tell you its over" this time he did look apologetic. so being the socially award moron Iam I handed him his veggie sub and walked away.

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