Ch. 22 purple mountains

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Scott chugs the beer and offers me one. I shake my head to decline he just killed a man and robbed a gas station for goodness sake. As the hours tick by I notice that there are alot less, buildings and more isolated homes. He pulls into an unmarked road he takes several turns I try to keep track then he drives up to a modest cabin.  I follow him in and sit on the dusty couch while Scott gets a fire going. I its familiar to him he knows where the matches are kept. Is this your dad's hunting cabin? I ask. He nods yea I always talked about bringing you here you remember that he asked. I nod and hug my self trying to get warm he wraps a blanket on me . We were good together you know he says. I look away knowing he's right there was a time I would have done anything for him but now that I know the real Scott there's no going back. He opens another beer his 5th I think he chugs that on down too. He sets a bottle of whiskey on the table. This will warm you up he says taking a swig. He tries to hand me the bottle but I shake my head. He grabs my neck and pulls my head to the bottle it clicks on my teeth. He pours it in my mouth it burns going down. He takes another swig and offers the bottle to me I take it and sip a little. Scott makes me take two more sips before taking the bottle back and we repeat until the bottle is empty. You really are pretty Juliana Scott slurs . I get nervous Scotts mood changes rapidly that I don't know what to expect. I never felt good enough for you  that's why I did what I did you come from money and your smart you had no business with a loser like me he says. I don't correct him he's right. Scott leans in for a kiss and I see my opening I hit him over the head with the whiskey bottle and run to the car. I forget the keys inside so I keep running. I use the mountains we passed through as my marker for the main road. I spot a white van and flag it down. There is a giant white guy driving. His head and eyebrows are shaved clean he has on a dingy blue jump suit but his eyes are two pools of darkness. I wave him off and keep walking but he pulls in my path. I take off running back into the woods. I keep going until I hear a loud bang and a bullet whizzes past my head. I dive down I hear the man getting closer. He nuges me with a boot to make me get up we get in his van and in no time we're back at the cabin. I see Scott in the door way with a bandage on his he. Scott  yanks me out the car and drags me into a bedroom. Please Scott I'm so sorry I cry. Shut up he yells I obey and cast my eyes down. Get on your knees he says I lower myself.  Open your mouth Juliana. I close my eyes and obey Scott puts some thing hard in my mouth I open my eyes and see it's a gun. You thought you were going to get away didn't you he asks. I slowly shake my head. Liar he yells. I keep shaking my head. You will never try to leave me again right he says. I nod and sigh in relief when he removes the gun. Next he is unzipping his pants come on baby you owe this to me he says and thrusts in my mouth. The door is ajar,I see his friend watching threw the crack. Scott doesn't notice his eyes are shut in ecstasy he has a fist full of my hair pounding himself in my mouth.he cums quickly and tosses me on the bed. Now for your punishment he says removing his belt. He slices me with it and I scream. The hits are rapid across my back and butt. When he's done he climbs in bed behind me and strokes my hair. You made me do it he says gently. I let myself fall apart in his arms.

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