Ch. 20 the creep

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Philip straightened his shirt crazy jerk off  he muttered. Hey doll are you okay he asks. I roll my eyes at him. Don't be like that sugar... Those photos didn't do you justice he said smiling at me with teeth that were heavily stained. Take off the tape and I will be nicer I say sweetly. Philip looks at the door then me and shakes his head. I can't doll he'd kill me. I saw the vides too Philip said changing the subject. The ones of him destroying my apartment I ask. No the one of you and my prick of a former boss going at it he says with a smirk . I blush involuntarily as Philip continues talking to me, you are like a little sex kitten in the bed but from what Scott says you were a terrible lay. I roll my eyes at him again and he chuckles.   I'd like to find out if you're good or not he says licking his lips. Philip comes closer to me let me see your tits he says. I shake my head and try not to show him any fear. He claws at my shirt and I clap my arms at my side. He rips the shirt off me like a wild beast. I scream  leave me ALONE!!Hoping someone would hear and help or at the least call the cops. I scream at the top of my lungs. Philip Yanks me out the chair by my hair. I tried to be nice to you even after your stupid boyfriend fired me Philip grits out. He slams me face down on the bed . I try to distract him. Are you talking about Franky? I ask. Yea he fired me caused me to be in violation of my parole and I ended up back in jail for six months his grip on my hair tightens. I'm sorry that happened to you I say trying to clam him. Don't worry your gonna make it up to me he says placing kisses in my neck. Please stop Philip I beg. Shh I'm going to turn you around I just want to see your tits I'm not gonna hurt you he says. I press my weight into the mattress get off I yell. Hes too strong and in seconds Philip has me on my back. Wonder how old Bruiser will fill after he finds out I made it with his girl. He bites and licks my breasts my body betrays me as my nipples harden. Look at those tits he says pushing them together so that he could tease them both at the same time. Please just let me go I ask trying my best to wiggle from underneath him. Your so turned on you want this baby don't kid yourself he says trying to pull my legs apart but I cross them tightly together come on no one has to know he says frowning with the effort. He hits me in the stomach then ribs  when that doesn't work he takes a fist full of my hair then slams a fist in my face why cant you you just do as say he is seething mad. I clench legs tighter together as he pounds me in the face. I start to  lose consciousness. I come to when I here a loud bang there is a wet substance on me. There is something heavy on top of my. I look over and Scott is pacing the floor holding a hand gun. I told you she is mine Scott yells pulling his hair. I glance down and Philip is on top of me but my pants are still on. I try to push him off of me but it's no use I start to panic flashing back to when he was attacking me. Scott moves Philips corpse off me and it thuds on the floor. I slow my breathing and look up at him. Thank you I say he nods and cuts the tape off my wrist. Go shower he says handing me a bag. He turns away I know he is testing me to see i will try to escape. I go to the bathroom and close the door. There are toiletries and 2 changes of clothes and PJs . I don't bother waiting for the water to heat up I scrub all over trying to rid my self of the abuse. But the bite marks and bruises will give me away. Put on a pair of the jeans that fit a little lose and hoodie. When I emerge from the bathroom Scott has removed the bags he brought in I grab my bag from the bathroom and follow Scott to a black van.  The ride is quite but I use the time to think. 

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