ch. 24 Bros

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Scott drinks one of the bottles of whiskey he brought for Boe and passes out cold hes got a full belly of booze and food so he will be out for the night. Boe gets up and tugs a pack of cigarettes' out his pocket. he goes out for a walk and a smoke several times a day when Scott there. i tug on the sleeve of his camo jacket and whisper can i come too. he looks over a Scott then me and shakes his head. Please Boe i haven't been outside in days i plead. he sighs in defeat and holds the door open for me. he sits on the porch and lights up his cigarette. i opt for the porch swing you know Boe this might actually be peaceful if it wasn't for the kidnapping part i say. he takes another puff why do you were fatigues all the time were you in the service. Boe shakes his head. i get off the swing and sit next to him. So that would make you a hunter of sorts he nodes his head. Ever hunt anything bigger than you ? i ask. he smiles down at me then looks up as if in deep thought then nods. wholly cow you must be good then i say this earns me another smile and a light bump into the shoulder. i went hunting with my dad a lot before my mom died and he remarried i say. he makes his hands small then big and quirks and eye brow. they were dear mostly im from the Midwest. he shakes his head and does the big small thing again then points to me. Oh is my dad big or small i say. he nods hes head. He's maybe 6'3 my mom was short like me but she had that marilynn monroe type build i say. Boe has me hold out my hand. he trace the letters P-R-E-T-T-Y and points to me . you think im pretty i say in shock. Boe nods . i shake my head no im a bruised-up fat pig. Boe shakes his head W-R-O-N-G he traces.  he tosses the cigarette and lights another. how did you get involved in this if you dont mind me asking i say to him. he traces the letters for the word brother. your Scotts brother i ask in shock. he shakes his head and traces Philip. my eyes go wide and i wish i had taken the cigarette. Boe looks at me with concern.  i contemplate what to tell him but i start to cry im so afraid of what he will do of what scott will do if he finds out. i look up at Boe he tries to wipe my tears but i grab his hand. you have to promise you wont tell scott you know anything that you will wait before doing anything crazy. he frowns but nods so  i continue the night we came here and you caught me, we were coming from a motel. Philip had met Scott there he brought scott some money in a brown paper bag.  Scott left and Philip tried to make a move on me, scott came back and shot him in the head. the only sign of emotion Boe shows is the tight grip he has on my hands. Boe gets up and unsheathes a large hunting knife. wait he still has the gun i whisper yell to Boe. Thats right i do still have the gun Scott says from the door he has it aimed at Boe. now what kinda lies has her pretty little mouth been filling your head with he ask Boe. Boe quickly slashes the arm that Scott is holding the gun in causing it to clatter on the ground. Boe goes after the gun but Scott is faster he grabs the gun and Boe and i take off in opposite directions me heading down the path Scott takes to get booze and Boe into the woods that lead to the interstate. a shot rings out and i see Boe grab his arm and her Scott shouting my name. he gains on me and i go crashing into the ground. his fist slams into my jaw and i hear a crunch. then he drags me back to the house by my hair. he locks the door behind us his eyes are blood red. why did you tell him Juliana?he says. i scoot away from him i sorry i was scared i say. your always sorry he  yells grabbing me up by the arms. scott pushes me into a table and backhands me. his rough hands slam me face down on the table. he tugs my jogging pants down and enters me from behind. Pain erupts between my legs and i try in vain to buck Scott off of me. you think you can stop me hes yell pounding into me harder he leans over me and bites my jaw i scream again. After what feels like an eternity Scott finishes inside me. i  crawl to the kitchen and get a knife as scott fixes his pants. what are you going to do with that beside get your self punished again. i have to escape him one way or another. i try to bring the blade across my throat but scott yanks it from me.  he begins to kick me i crawl into the fetal position as he stomps and kicks me all over. your mine Julian i decide when you die, fat piggie whore. now you have unleashed a psycho on us both. he says then spits on me. i pass out from the pain in the kitchen floor i wake up and we are on the road again.  

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