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Julianna POV 

I wake to an empty house, I  still can't believe Bo abandoned me so easily.  I do my morning routine and head for work. The babies are amazing but they once again remind me of what I may never have. At the end of my shift I can't bare to go to an empty house, so I call my friend Gina and we decide to have Chinese and watch Netflix at her place. I pick up the food since it's on my way and park in the parking lot of Gina's apartment. A Lincoln pulls behind my car blocking me in it has tinted windows so I can't see who it is the window creeps down to reveal Franklin. I let out a breath of air and choose to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. Julianna wait he calls out to me. I stop and turn to face him please get in I just need to talk to you for a second he says. Everything in me says to keep walking to Gina's apartment so that's what I do.

6hous later

It felt like old times hanging with Gina. The food and wine long gone we added to hang at my place next time. I was shaken up about how Franklin knew I was at Gina's so I ran across her parking lot to my car. I opened the car door and there was a single red rose on the seat. A chill of fear hit me as I threw the rose out my car and sped home. I looked around to see if he was following. Once home I skipped my shower and hoped in bed. I heard the door to my house open and shut. 

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