Uninvited 33

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Standing face to face with Franklyn was like a shock to the system. i searched my mind for the proper reaction but there was none. i felt naked in his gaze. my throat was clogged with unshed tears and hate filled words. how dare he come and disrupt my peace, my safe place. bringing strangers into my home after all this time has passed. 

Franklyn step forward causing me to flinch involuntarily. Bo was on his feet in an instant causing his chair to hit the ground. dozens of guns were then aimed at bo. i rushed over trying to use my body to shield bo but he easily moved me behind him. I told you to stay out of this, Franklyn yelled at the men. They put their guns away but the tension in the room remained. Franklin locked eyes with me and i saw the man he used to be. He reached out his hand slowly towards me. Can we talk in private for a moment please Franklin asks. I look behind me at bo he stares with no expression.  As much as i want to say no to Franky a part of me still wants answers. I take Franklin hand and lead him to my room. 

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