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I wish I could say that the rest of the night was uneventful I woke up with pain shooting through my face so Franklin made me go to the hospital. When we got to the ER one of the nurses took one look at me in Franklin and made him leave the room. Sweetheart did he do this to you the nurse asked. I was shocked by her question of course not I wouldn't bring him here if he had done missed my ex did it. You don't have to lie for him he's won't be allowed in the room please just tell me if he is the one that did this to you so that the cops can be called she said placing her hand onto mine. I shake my head no no it wasn't him I'm telling you the truth please let him back in the room. She looks at me skeptically but allows Franklin to come into the room he's ginormous body takes up most of the room he takes my hand into his and frowns at the nurse I would never hit a woman he said sternly. The nurse merely sighs and leaves the room saying she's going to check when the doctor will be available. When the doctor enters the room he is no better he sizes Franklin up for a good two minutes before speaking with me. I make up a story about being mugged and Franklin finding me and bringing me to the hospital none of them believe me but I don't care I just want them to treat me so that I can go home. We spend three long hours in the ER only to be told of my jaw is fractured and needs ice that I don't need surgery, and everything will heal in time they try to prescribe me pain killers but after what happened with the diet pills, I decline. Franklin doesn't press me to take the pills he guides me out of the hospital back to his truck but instead of taking me home to my apartment we go to his because it's closer. Franklin I am so sorry about this. He strokes my hair and says I'm the one who should be saying sorry I was supposed to protect you." I lean up on one arm to get a better look at him we're dropped in his reed silk sheets and it relaxes me. Franklin I may be 5 feet but I'm a big girl literally I can take care of myself" frowning down at me Franklins deep voice is so low when he say my Juliana you are mine and no matter how think big you are I am bigger if someone harm you my little beauty then I will make them pay." I want to melt at his words he called me his and beautiful I fall asleep in his arms and wake up to the smell of roses....

***Its going good I see a path and I am taking it 😊 keep reading ****

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