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I wake up in the hospital bed the machines are buzzing and beeping. My leg feels like it's on fire. Franklin rushes over and grabs my hand" don't scare me like that again" he says  in a rush. he's kissing my hand my cheeks everywhere." I wasn't planning on doing it anytime soon Frankie "I say. he smiles down at me" I love you so much Julie Anna I was afraid to say it before but after this I realize every day isn't promised, and  well you don't have to say it back, I just wanted you to know that I love you." tears well in my eyes no man that ever said that they loved me before, hell my father barely even said it. I'm overjoyed I grabbed his face and begin to kiss him passionately. we're stopped from going too far when someone comes in the room and clears their throat. I jump back  but it's only two detectives coming to take a statement. I told them a guy tried to steal Franklin's truck and started shooting it up .they bring up my prior hospital visit and ask Franklin if he has a gun. " why the hell would it matter if I have a gun" Franklin yelled out. he can see where the officers minds are headed . "I will tell you this one last time I would never hurt Juliana I love her" a look cross is both detectives faces and I can tell that they believe him.  one of the detectives steps forward "look we don't mean any harm it's just she's been here twice in one week both injuries very severe we're just trying to get to the bottom of this and we know you guys are lying about her being robbed". I stay silent and stare up at Franklin one of the the older detective steps forward and hands me his card "hopefully you don't have to use this but call if you need help don't try and handle this alone"" he said. "I'm not alone detective" I say and take hold of Franklin's hand. The older detective cast a weary look at me then they leave the room. immediately the tension I was feeling in my neck dissipates. "I'm so sorry you got hit "Franklin says . "I shouldn't have left you in the car" his face is turned away but I see his eyes are starting to water up. " Frankie come here it was not your fault none of this is it's all Scott's fault and you're going to make him pay right". I look up into his eyes hoping that he believes me when I say I don't blame him. the nurse comes and discharges me from the hospital they bring in a wheelchair but Franklin picks me up and carries me out to a Cadillac truck . he fastens the seat belt for me even though I tell him my leg is hurt not my arms. " this is nice"  I say complementing the truck. " you can have it when I get my truck back" he says nonchalantly . "Franklin that is too expensive" I tell him. "hey if you're going to be my lady then you're going to have to learn to expect expensive and nice things" he says taking my hand and kissing it. we head into his apartment and settle down for Netflix and vanilla ice cream.

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