Ch. 9 Duck bish

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We pull up to the site at a screeching halt I see two men from the distance wearing dark gray suits Franklin turns to me and says for me to stay in the truck. The window is cracked so I can hear as he walks over to greet them Victor Sammy what's going on he says in a no-nonsense tone. victor tried to get the guy after we saw him leave  the broads apartment one of the guys in the suits said. Frankie snapped on him don't call my lady or broad. the guy holds up his hands in surrender and says no disrespect bruiser. Both guys glanced over at me in the truck but Frankie shifts his weight to block me from their view his lady I guess we are official now I smile to myself then I remember what they're talking about and I can't help but shudder in fear at the thought that Scott is still out there on the loose, guy number two said we called someone to clean up the apartment already bruiser but I don't think she should be there alone if you had seen the guy he looked insane his hair was all over the place clothes were dirty who covered in blood he look like a real madman Bruiser. Franklin glanced back at me if I have my way she won't ever be going back there he tells them both . my lady parts ignite but I have a feeling we may be moving too fast my phone vibrates and I see that is Gina calling it's been awhile since we've had spoken because of all of the things that have been going on with Scott and the move I quickly answer the phone so I can fill her in on everything that's going on and maybe get a bit of advice by now Franklin and his two associates are walking to his mobile office further into the site the doors are locked so it's pretty safe in here hey Gina I say and even to me my voice sounds tired . oh God what's wrong Gina says . well, if you consider me and Scott breaking up wrong then that's what happened I tell her. give me all the details I never liked that guy Juliana sympathetically. well, I moved here everything was nice and then all of a sudden he started ghosting me and canceling dates I still didn't see the signs I was so blind Gina I came to the site one day to surprise him with lunch only to find him with some Barbie look-alike name Karen that's not the half of it he's been going crazy he beat me up wrecked my apartment and my new boyfriend. New boyfriend Gina exclaimed into the phone cutting me off . yeah, my new boyfriend Franklin luckily, he was there to help me and pick up the pieces he's so amazing and protective I say to her.  geez Juliana you are moving on pretty fast Gina says. well that's a part of why I took the call don't get offended, but I want to know if you think it will be too soon if me and him move in together .OMG Gina screams out excitedly and I can't help to get giddy as well like I said he is amazing totally totally different from any guy I've ever met he's tall handsome giving he ran me a bath today I say try not to brag too much . that's it I'm coming down I have to meet this Romeo you've met Gina says. I would love that but let's wait till things cool down they still haven't been able to track down Scott yet and I would hate for you to get caught in the crosshairs I say. okay bestie I will see you as soon as everything is handled but let me know if you need some extra soldiers in the field we both laugh and I end the call feeling much more confident in me and Franklin's relationship but it all comes to a halt when the windshield of Franklin's car shatter's

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