ch. 26 signs

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the cops forgo the ambulance and leave an officer with scotts body  and two squad cars rush the rest of us to the hospital. Boe stays with me, even when the orderly takes me for some xrays. the nurse comes in to perform the rape kit but i decline since scott is dead theres no point.  the doctor asks if i want Boe to stay in the room when he examines me to see if there is any tearing i nod and take Boes offered hand. once i am stitched down there, i have my mouth wired and my ribs have been wrapped. i  write on a pad you can leave if you have some place to be then slide it  to Boe.  he puts an x through my words and writes no place to be but with you. i cross out his words and write why . he writes  keep you safe. i put a line through it and write not your job. he writes no one else here. i wipe at a tear and turn away from the pad the nurse contacted franky when i got done with my xrays that was hours ago. he doesnt want me any more im used goods i think to myself. Boe taps me lightly pulling me out of my pity party and holds up the pad for me to read. I will keep you safe it says I nod at him. Since I won't be talking for a while maybe we can learn to sign. He moves his hands rapidly. You know how to sign I write then hold up for him to read. He nods perfect so you can teach me I write. He makes motions with his hands and I copy them he nods. What does it mean I jot down and show it to him and do the sign again.  I can teach you many  things beautiful girl he writes. I am seeing someone Boe i reply. He scratches it out and signs I copy him and he writes for now. Boe and I pass the pad back and forth and he teaches me to sign his name and my name and beautiful. My father and step mother are there in the morning. I glance over at the chair Boe was in that now sits empty. My step mother smooths my hair don't worry muffin we will get you back home and take good care of you she says. I can't believe it but I am actually happy to see her bony a**. I hug her too me and cry she holds me to her and I ignore the burn of my rib. My father comes closer and I flench involuntarily.  The heart monitor starts beeping, calm down sugar plum  my step mother says I a low soothing tone. I try to calm myself but I feel embarrassed at my reaction. Sorry I write. He comes over to me slower and I reach out for his hand no need to be sorry it can't be helped after what you went through I should have never let you move there I could have lost you we are both in tears by the time he finishes. Boe comes back into the room and hands me a smoothie. And signs something to me and I sit the drink down and copy him . Then he hands me a phone  it already has a message

Boe: I could not let you eat the yucky hospital food

Juliana: yucky?

Boe: drink your soothe

I look up at him and roll my eyes. I take a sip of the strawberry goodness. The doctor comes in and says they want to get rid of my fever before the release me so I must stay another night. I'm sad I just want to go back to my apartment. Then I remember it was trashed . Then I think Franklin has he moved on  or does he think I'm dead? my head swims and going to my live with my dad and step mom doesnt seem so bad. maybe Boe could come too, who am i kidding , i picture the looks on  peoples faces when they see us walking around town. i had my own little tribe there though with Gina and a few of the nurses from the hospital i used to work at. i take it back Boe would fit in with us misfits. my parents stay with Boe and i until its dark out. the decision has been made i will go back with parents when they release me from the hospital. its disappointing to be starting over again, but i survived scott  and phillip so this will be easy.  we watch reality tv and i am amused when i see that Boe actually gets into the show. he signs at the show and flips off the tv a few times making me laugh. my phone pings and i reach for it. its a text from Boe.

Boe: did you want to go to your place for your things

Juliana: Scott broke all my stuff and the clothes Frankie bought for me probably won't fit.

Boe: good we can go shopping when we get there

Juliana: your excited about this arent you :) 

Boe: oh yea mr excitement over here

Juliana: maybe we can go hunting with my dad

Boe i think he likes me

Juliana : you saved his kids life of course he like you

Boe: i should have saved you sooner maybe you wouldnt be in the hospital

Juliana: hey you did save me in the end and thats what matters you could have just left me to rot

Boe: how can you be so kind and beautiful

Juliana: you really need to get those eyes checked Boe.

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