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The windshield of Franklin's truck shatters I don't have time to look around to see what caused the break. I jerk off my seatbelt and try my best to get to the floor of the truck .  pop pop pop I hear the metal clanking and a loud banging sound I realize someone must be shooting at the truck I'm in. My heart thunders, my stomach turns and I get the sickening feeling that it must be Scott. next I hear a hailstorm of gunfire from far away then nothing at all. I think the silence is much worse than the sound of the gunfire. I say a silent prayer that Franklin is okay. the door to the truck unlocked and Franklin yanks the passenger door open. He takes me into his arms the hint of his minty scent and Old spice hits me and I know it's him. I cling to him for dear life" what was that" I say praying that I was wrong . "it was Scott someone gave that lunatic a gun " he says. I'm shaking from the adrenaline and fear at what could have happened all because of me. "Franklin you can't be near me it's not safe" I say to him. I try and get myself out of his arms he holds me tighter and says" that night when I came to your apartment I told you what you would not be able to get rid of me you're mine I'm not going anywhere." he kisses me all over the face. I don't want him to be in danger but I know there's nothing I can say that'll make him let me handle this alone .I shake my head at his stubbornness and bury my head in his chest feeling safe once again ,even out in the open with Scott on the loose. Franklin sets me down and I feel a jolting pain in my leg that causes me to fall a little, but Franklin catches me before I hit the ground. Franklin tugs at my pants leg "oh my God you've been hit" is the last thing I hear before I start to feel dizzy and everything goes black.

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