Things to forget 30

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Julianna POV

Boe and I head to the kitchen which fills up quickly when My parents Gina and the detectives filter in after. The first detective steps forward causing me to flinch back I hate that I have become a coward Boes hand covers mine reassuring me as him scowls at the hand the detective extends to me. I'm detective Hobbs and the is agent Reese from the FBI we have been looking for you for quite some time. As you know Scott is dead but we have some loose ends to tie up before we close the case. We need to know if he had any accomplices. I shake my head and will myself not to look at Boe. There was more than one set of DNA found in the rape kit flashes of my night with Philip  came in a rush. This was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Tears flowed down my face my father was the first to stand in an outrage he ushered the detectives out of our home my stepmother was not far behind. Boe held me tight as Gina cried silently. Soon my parents were back my father muttering about lawyers. 

When Boe and I got back to the hotel my head was spinning in an endless  loop  of Phillip and Scott.  I rushed over to take a shower ask her I scrubbed my body until until my skin felt raw . I went into the room to grab more of bo jogging pants and a shirt as I didn't have any clothes to fit me. Bo sat on the edge of the edge of the bed with his hands in his head. He gazed up at me sadly when I entered the room. I knew what was going to come next, I was used goods and still a fat pig, he was about to end things before they even  began. 


 Juliana spent what felt like eternity in the shower I was glad it gave me much needed time to  Think. We were all like our father in some ways me with my thurst for blood and joy of the kill no matter what it was .   Trevor being a nomad staying alone, and then there was Philip who is the most like my father but the youngest of us all. He enjoyed inflicting pain and causing suffering especially to those so innocent like Juliana. While i took lives and learned to leave no trace, Phillip took a different path he played with the mind and body stretching out the trama like a live action boogy man. Things I have seen him do made me want to put  him down a long time ago.  I was convinced he would change being the youngest, we were used to taking care of him and in the end this is all my fault. if I had only done what needed to be done when  1st noticed  What a monster he had become, Then Juliana wouldn't be in such pain right now. This was too much even for me to handle she was going to end It.

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