Understanding 31

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 Juliana POV

 I kept stealing glances at bo's  form in the darkness he looked so broken. Once I was completely dressed I slowly approached him and allow myself to be pulled into his embrace.  We stayed that way until my stomach let out a grown.  Both stared up at me with a sly grin.  We cuddled up on the couch and no time the food was delivered from room service I drank my smoothie while  boe had a large steak.  But what happened earlier weighed heavy in the room almost like a person..

 Juliana -Bo I did not know that he did that to  Me I still don't know if he did

Bo-it's OK doll

 Juliana-no it's not OK you deserve someone that's  not used up

 Bo- You are everything to me Bad things happen to you it doesn't mean that you are used up

Juliana-you can't mean that it's fine if you want to end things but don't lie to me

  Bo- The feelings I have for you are so intense that they would scare you

 With that bo set his phone down and pepper's feather like kisses all over my face careful around my injured jaw. Tears Spring in my eyes at the tenderness and care he is showing. He sees my  Tears and starts to pull away, I quickly grab his shirt and pull him back and lean in for more kisses My heart beat rapidly in my chest as Bo begins to kiss down my neck we are interrupted it by the buzzing of my phone.  Thinking it's my parents I'll reach over and grab it quickly I scan the message once then twice in this belief I can't believe who the message is from.

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