Chapter 1

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“Kylie is coming to Aussie with me.” Kenapa kata-kata Jerome seakan menikam dada saya?

“Saya tidak faham apa kau cakap ni, J.” I shook my head. Saya memang tidak fahamkah atau saya sengaja tidak faham?

“Saya sama Kylie.” Saya seakan menahan nafas menunggu Jerome habis bercakap. “Sudah couple.”

DUSH jantung saya!

Kenapa bah kau ni, Sapphire? Apa jenis bestfriend bah kau ni? Kau sepatutnya happy untuk Jerome yang setelah bertahun-tahun di uni akhirnya found a girl that he likes.

Like is a weak word. What if he loves Kylie? What is wrong with you, Sapphire?!

“Aren’t you gonna congratulate me for finally-” Jerome started.

I have to get out of sight. Pantas saya berdiri dan menipu. Ampunkan saya, Tuhan.

“Brax is here.” I nearly choked on my own lie. “He’s picking me up. Got to go, J.”

Saya melangkah pergi dari Coffee Bean. I walked as fast as I could.

“Hey, Saph!” Saya dengar suara Jerome memanggil saya. “Your-”

But I walked faster, hampir saya berlari keluar dari the café.

Tanpa berfikir, I jumped in a waiting cab.

“U Residence, uncle.” Saya bagitau the cab driver. I’m going back to my hostel.

Tu cab driver mengangguk saja. Maybe dia nampak air muka saya yang entah macam apa. Bukan entah macam apa, Saph. Kau sedarkah air mata kau mula menitis?

Saya menatap ke luar tingkap of the cab dengan tatapan kosong sepanjang perjalanan. Tatapan kosong dan air mata yang bertakung.

I remembered the day I first saw Jerome. Kuliah pertama saya di Taylor’s.


I was 2 sems behind him after transferring my credit hours from Lim Kok Wing. I just didn’t like the environment in my previous uni, dan saya tidak suka ada 2 orang foreign students yang mau pok-pok saya. Kelamaan macam stalker pula dorang tu. Dad wanted to send 2 bodyguards for me, tapi saya lebih memilih untuk pindah university.

Kuliah pertama saya adalah Malaysian Studies. Very general, so the lecture hall was full.

Syukurlah there’s a seat for me.

Saya duduk dan mengeluarkan my dark blue notebook that I always carry with me and another backup notebook for extra notes. Saya belum ada text book lagi sebab habis stock, next week baru ada stock.

Mata saya memerhati sekeliling dan tidak tersengaja melirik seorang lelaki yang duduk selang sebaris di belakang saya. Dia sedang ketawa, maybe some joke his friend is telling him.

Then his friend caught me looking. Saya tertangkap basah! Kawan dia mengenyitkan mata ke arah saya! Termerah muka saya kedapatan menengok orang, I quickly I looked away.

20 minutes through the lecture, the lecturer pointed at someone.

“Explain one of the reasons for Portuguese took over Malacca.” Nyaring suara the lecturer.

Saya terdengar seseorang trying to get up from the seat.

As the voice of a guy filled the lecture hall, I felt a tremor in my heart. Jantung saya seakan bergetar terdengar the guy’s deep voice.

“Malacca was one of the three key-points with Goa and Hormuz, which gave Portugal the control over the main Asiatic trade routes.”

I turned my head to see sang pemilik suara yang telah membuat jantung hati saya bergetar.

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