Chapter 5

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Well, dad has high hopes for his girls in his Abraham & Co. Property Group, or ACP Group for short, which the company goes by ACP Group in most of its business dealings.

Saya masih muda untuk menerajui dad’s company, but I had to because I’m the only daughter yang mengikut jejak langkah dad in property development and architecture, and I need to lead the KL branch.

Adik bertuah si Emerald tu sejak menang Unduk Ngadau dan beberapa beauty pageant, ijazah dia setakat perhiasan dinding saja. Tidak pernah lah dia mau dengar cakap mom and dad. Middle child syndrome betul oh dia ni.

Amethyst baru turned 19 and she’s more interested in fashion design. Dia mau sambung ambil fashion design di Paris and mom got her into one of Dior’s design academy. Dia cuma perlu menamatkan satu tahun to get certified by Dior and I think that’s awesome for her. Mau sambung ke peringkat lebih tinggi kah tidak, terpulang sama dia.

Saya mengetik-ngetik my ballpen on my desk. Sedar tidak sedar, 8 tahun sudah saya di KL sejak usia saya 18 tahun.

I looked out the window overlooking the Twin Towers, the sun is covering its golden hues on the towers. Only one word for it.


I love the sunset view from the 18th floor of my office suite.

Handphone saya tiba-tiba berdering, membuat saya mengalihkan pandangan saya dari jendela ke meja kerja saya.


Tsk, begitulah saya kasi nama Braxton di contact list saya. Sounds like a dinasour species pula kan? Hahahaha!

“Lovey.” Braxton sounds excited.

“Hi, hubs.” Saya menyahut. “Got your ticket already?”

Braxton janji akan melawat saya di KL sebelum dia mula bekerja di KK. He just resigned from a firm in Brunei and moved back to KK under a developer group juga yang bercawangan di KK.

“I got better news.” Braxton bilang.
“Is it?” Saya tersenyum bahagia.

Saya dengar di hujung talian Braxton seakan menarik nafas dalam dan menghembus perlahan-lahan.

“I’m heading to Aussie for the job.” Dia bilang!

Aussie? Saya mengerutkan dahi. I only can think of one person if it’s about Aussie. That one person that I don’t want to think about.

Kehidupan saya sekarang adalah berbakti kepada ibubapa saya, kejayaan ACP Group dan Braxton.

Braxton is my life now and Braxton has been hinting that it might be time sudah we need to settle down. Settle down and build our own small family.

Am I ready for a family? Am I ready for a life long with Braxton? I know I should be. Saya sudah 26 tahun and my biological clock is ticking.

“Oh, Aussie.” I tried to sound as excited as him.

“Yes!” Braxton bilang. “Next week, lovey!”

Next week? That fast? What happened to the job in KK?

“I’ll be seeing you before you fly?” Saya tanya sedikit ragu.

“Maybe.” Hah?! Apa punya jawapan tu?

Panggilan ditamatkan dengan ‘I love yous’ and ‘I miss yous’.

Buruklah my whole day gonna be ni. No, it’s gonna be ugly the whole week or even the whole year.

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