Chapter 51

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“You smell nice.” Sapphire whispered. Ah, shit. “Like someone I slept with.”

Wait what?!

“Saph.” Saya melirih.

“Ssshhh.” Memang Sapphire masih menempelkan hidung dia di dada saya. “Just let me hug you like this for awhile.”

For awhile? For a long time, for forever pun boleh.


“Am I interrupting something?”

Macam familiar tu suara. Uh.

Sapphire melepaskan pelukan dia pada tubuh saya secara mengejut. Perlahan-lahan saya memalingkan tubuh saya yang sedang membelakangi pemilik suara garau yang sedang berdiri di ambang pintu office Sapphire.

“Dad!” Sapphire exclaimed. “Aren’t you supposed to be in-” Her words trailed off looking at her dad’s face yang bengis macam harimau.

Tatapan mata tajam Axel Abraham membuat saya tidak selesa. Saya teringat kata-kata terakhir yang dia lemparkan kepada saya di Sydney.

“Stay away from my daughter. You’re no better than Charleston.”

Saya mengangguk sopan. Macamanapun, saya perlu hormat bakal mertua saya. Hehehe.

“Unc-” Baru saya mau menyapa bah kan.

“Sapphire.” I felt Sapphire jolted when her dad’s voice boomed. “I’m dropping by to tell you that you will still have to continue with the project.”

“Em…E” Kenapa juga Sapphire very nervous? Macam dia ada buat salah saja.

Eh, salah lah bah tu memeluk saya kan? Looking at how her dad isn’t happy to see me at all, I guess being in my arms is too wrong.

“You know your sister.” Axel bilang. “Ada saja alasan dia. I’m not hearing from you next.” That’s like a warning. “Amie still need to learn a lot.”

“Okay, dad.” Suara Sapphire melemah.
“And you.” ME?

“Yes, me.” Mata saya terbulat.
“Keep your eyes and hands to yourself. I’m not letting my daughter be with someone who is already attached.” Mata dia memarak.

Axel masih salahfaham terhadap kejadian makan malam di Sydney hari tu.

“I-” I started.
“And keep your excuses to yourself.” He cut me off coldly. With that he stormed off.

I turned to Sapphire.
“Your dad is in a bad mood.”
“No.” Sapphire bilang. “He just doesn’t like you.”

What?! Uh, yeah, I know. Dan ini semua gara-gara Kylie.

“He will like me eventually.” Saya bilang dengan confidentnya.

“He has to, since we are collaborating right?” Sapphire menaikkan satu kudou. “But that’s until the project completes.”2

Saya tersenyum menggoda.
“I plan to make the collaboration long term.”

Yeah, saya mesti melupakan malam sial yang menimpa saya ulah Braxton  dan Shandrana.

“Ummm, well. Few years should be quite long.” Sapphire membalas.

Saya terkekeh geli. Nopes, that too short.

“No.” Saya menatap Sapphire dengan tatapan penuh godaan. “I plan to collaborate sampai menghasilkan waris keturunan.”

Sapphire mengerutkan dahi menatap saya bingung.
“Waris keturu…?”

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