Chapter 41

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"Uh, you know what? Let's have lunch somewhere else." Jerome looked uncomfortable.

Mata saya melirik ke arah pandangan mata Jerome.


Pantas saya mengelak dari bertatapan dengan Kylie. I seriously tidak mau beradu mulut dengan dia di public lagi. Cukuplah sekali.

Kami melangkah keluar dari Luxe.

"You know what?" Saya membalas kata-kata Jerome. "I'm not hungry."

"Saph." Jerome looked a little frustrated.

"J, I'm not hungry and meeting's over." Saya menepis tangan Jerome yang hampir menyentuh lengan saya. "And anyways, tiada kepentingan sudah saya sini. I have made my decision, J."

Jerome menghembus nafas kasar.
"Then, like I said, I'm coming with you."

Astaga, Jerome!

"You have a business to manage here, Jerome." Saya mengerutkan dahi. Kenapa bah dia ni?

"As I said in the meeting, we will start the KK project earlier." Jerome berkeras. iisshh!

Macam saya mau hentak-hentak kaki saya oh. Saya sangat tidak puas hati.

"Emerald will take over this project from me." Saya bilang.

"Why not your dad?" Jerome tanya saya.

Memang saya plan to talk to dad untuk mengambil-alih this project from my hands, tapi... Uh, saya tidak mau dad tanya sebab disebalik saya menarik diri. And the best thing to do is to avoid dad sampai hati saya sudah pulih sikit. I can't let dad see me like this. I'm as transparent as plain water.

"I believe Axel Abraham should take over, as this project under your side of the company is initially his." Jerome bilang lagi. "Unless... you're hiding the fact that-"

I cut him off.
"J." Suara saya menegang. Yes, he got it. Dia sudah meneka kenapa saya mau Emerald yang ambil-alih dan bukan dad.

"Kau mau tapuk kebenaran tentang Braxton kan?" Jerome is just not dropping this topic.

Now, we are in his car sudah.

"Bukan begitu bah." I'm trying to make Jerome understand kenapa saya mengambil keputusan yang saya fikir sangat wajar.

Tidak sampai 10 minit kami sudah berada di McDonald's Drive-thru.

"A Classic Angus and Filet-o-Fish with 2 large fries, 2 Diet Coke and Tim Tam McFlurry." Jerome ordered.

Ah, well. I don't have to order for myself. Jerome practically knows everything about me. Cuma part-part yang personal sikit saja dia tidak tau. Tapi kalau bab-bab apa yang saya suka dan apa yang saya tidak suka memang dia lali sudah. Unlike Braxton.

Terus saya ter-flashback one of the days when Braxton traveled to KL to visit me.


"Lovey, I bought you pizza." Braxton strode in to my office.

"Mmm... smells nice." Uh.

I didn't want to hurt his effort though. But I don't like Tuna and I'm allergic to mushrooms. How can he forget that simple fact about me?

I opened the Domino's pizza box in front of me.

The smell of Flaming Tuna buat saya mau muntah. Cepat-cepat saya tutup balik the pizza box.

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