Chapter 10

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“Saph? Are you crying?” Saya tanya.

Saya jadi risau bila Sapphire tidak balik dari the washroom lebih 15 minit. So I decided to check on her.

Saya menatap muka dia yang sembap. Dia baru habis menangiskah? Did anything happen?

Dengan pantas Sapphire menggelengkan kepala.

“Your eyes are-” I started.

“I… wanted to wash off my… make up, rimas. B… but the soap termasuk my mata.” Sapphire gugup.

“Pedaskah?” Saya tanya. Soalan bonus kau ni, J. Memanglah bah pedas kalau sudah sabun masuk mata. “Come I tiup.”

Sapphire berundur selangkah.
“J, no… I’m-”

Saya ignore penolakkan dia. Saya melangkah maju and touched  both her eyes, membeliakkan mata dia supaya mata dia tidak tertutup bila saya tiup.

“Phuuuh… phuuuh…” Saya meniup mata Sapphire.

“J, I’m o-” Sapphire started.
“Ssshhh.” I silenced her.

Yes, I was focused on soothing her eyes, making the stinging pain go away. Until…

Saya terasa bibir saya menyentuh bulu mata dia yang sangat lembut. Feathery soft. Mata saya terpejam and just like that saya terhenti meniup mata Sapphire.

Maybe I didn’t realize I’m too close sampailah saya terasa tangan Sapphire menahan dada saya.

“I’m okay, J.” Sapphire bilang. “The food might be cold by now.”

Mata saya terbuka. Food?

Oh, ya… we’re at one of my family's restaurants supposedly having lunch.

Seated at our table sudah, kami menikmati the European cuisine that the restaurant specializes in.

Sapphire forked up the lobster meat and ate it with a smile. Saya tersenyum nampak dia sangat menikmati the meal.

Then she sipped on her wine and cleared her throat.

“About being friends.” Dia tetiba bersuara.

I looked up from my meal. Kenapa jantung saya berdetak lebih laju ni? Friends.

“I guess we can re-friend us.” Sapphire terkekeh. Suka pula dia jadi kawan? Kenapa tidak lebih dari kawan?

Eh, Jerome! Kau ni tidak boleh pakai bah. Kawan punya girlfriend pun kau mau tibai, mentang-mentanglah kau sudah single.

“I need a friend juga sini since I’ll be here for 3 months.” Sapphire bilang. 3 months? I thought Darren Chien yang sepatutnya stayback for 3 months. Hati saya terasa girang. Eh, buduh. “Who knows between weekdays you can bring me around the city kan?”

Ummm, yeah. Tapi bukan sepatutnya yang membawa dia tour the city is...?

“Weekends I’ll be traveling back and forth to Gold Coast.” Sapphire bilang.

Saya menaikkan satu kudou.
“Gold Coast?”
“Yeah.” Sapphire tersenyum manis. “I need your help.”

I’d do anything for you, Saph.

“Sure.” Saya mengunyah the fresh lettuce.

“Brax is in Gold Coast and I guess I should see him every weekend.” Sapphire bilang.

Saya terasa the lettuce macam tersangkut di kerongkong saya.

Braxton is in Gold Coast?

I gulped on a glass of water, trying to wash down the lettuce down my throat.

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