Chapter 11

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Back to JEROME’S P.O.V

Driving back to office took another minute longer.

At the basement parking lot, saya sempat call my secretary untuk schedule for another of the project meeting on Monday for everyone yang terlibat dalam the project.

I know juga the rest of the project managers yang terlibat akan sambung meeting dengan department masing-masing.

And surely John and Darren Chien akan meneruskan perbincangan di office John.

“You mau see my office?” Saya tanya Sapphire bila kami sudah keluar dari kereta. Excited pula saya mau kasi tunjuk Sapphire my office. “It’s the same view like your hotel.”

Mata Sapphire membulat, she looked ecstatic.

“Mau!” Sapphire exclaimed with excitement. Kami berketawa ni dengan reaksi Sapphire.

And spontaneously tangan saya merangkul bahu Sapphire, macam dulu-dulu.

“Uh… ummm” Sapphire terkaku di posisi.

For a split second saya macam mengkhayal pula. Then I realized Sapphire not moving another step. She looked uncomfortable.

“Oh.” Saya tersentak. “Sorry.”

Saya melepaskan rangkulan saya pada bahu dia. A moment of awkwardness passed between us as I guided Sapphire to the lift.

The private lift leads up to my office and every floor in the building.

As the lift mula bergerak naik, sampai  20th floor tiba-tiba Sapphire menatap saya dengan mata dia yang membulat.

“Is this your private lift?” Sapphire tanya.

Saya tersengih.

Sapphire memiringkan kepala dan menyipitkan mata menatap saya seakan curiga.

“Why?” I asked innocently.

“Does it have access to the 25th floor?” Sapphire tanya.

Mau saja saya menipu, tapi one thing I know for sure about Sapphire is that dia tidak suka ditipu atau tertipu. Itulah saya selalu jujur dengan dia, sampai saya couple sama Kylie and Kylie sama-sama terbang to Aussie sama saya pun saya bagitau.

Satu saja yang saya tidak jujur. Perasaan saya terhadap dia.

The only thing that I couldn’t be honest to her is my feelings for her. Yang sudah bertahun-tahun pun masih sama. Tidak sikit pun terkikis cinta saya untuk dia.


Sapphire is marrying Braxton. And way back before dia dan Braxton got serious pun saya tidak berani jujur akan perasaan saya sebab saya takut penolakkan dan saya takut I will lose my bestfriend.

Nothing will be the same again if your bestfriend rejects your love. At least that’s how I feel. Entah kalau orang lain.


50th floor.

Pintu lift terbuka and Dyna greeted us.

“Sir, Ma’am.” Dyna menunduk hormat.

Then she looked at me with uncertain eyes.
“Mr. Ashburn, sir, th-”

I held my hand up to stop her from continuing.
“Have you scheduled the meeting on Monday?”

Dyna mengangguk.
“Yes, sir. Sir-”

“Great. Get Mrs. Russ to send my normal coffee in and also a Machiatto for Ms. Abraham.” Saya mengarahkan Dyna.

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